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"You shouldn't have been so reckless!" His mother scolded him. It's been an hour since his final match in his high school career; he had lost. In an attempt to win, he had crashed into a table, hurting his back and his knee.
"Sorry, Mama." He didn't make eye contact with her. He stared at his hands, the whole match playing on repeat in his head.
He heard her sigh, "It's alright, dear. I'm just worried about you." He felt the bed dip slightly as she sat next to him. "But you do know you cannot go to school with these injuries."
"Yes, Mama."
The bed rose again as the mother stood up; she bent forward slightly to give her son a kiss on the forehead. "I hired a caretaker for you, since work has been hectic."

The male looked up, a wild look on his face. "I don't need a caretaker!"
"Oh hush! You can barely walk." His mother laughed before squeezing his shoulder, "I'm proud of you, you know that right?" He had gotten another kiss on his forehead before the door shut behind his mother.

He was left alone with his thoughts. Horrid thoughts, he knew. But they weren't going to leave for a long time. They were haunting thoughts; putting himself down for not being good enough to win, for not being able to the lead the team better, for not being able to give his best friend a better set when they needed it the most.

He hated himself, honestly.

- - -

It's been 90 days since he's woken up to the sun shinning in his face. The blinds were open, he must not have closed them before he slept.
Before being able to sit up, a soft knock on the door was heard then being followed by a soft voice. "Oikawa-Kun, may I come in?"
He sighed, remembering his conversation with his mother. "You can." Turning to the side, he watched the door open.

His caregiver was a girl, who seemed to be around his age- which he found odd; shouldn't she be in school? Her hair tied messily, with loose (hair/colored) strands framing her face. She gave him a smile before shutting the door behind him, her warm (eye/color) eyes were rather welcoming.
"Good morning, Oikawa-Kun!" She greeted as she approached him. "May I touch you?"
He looked at her confused, slightly tensing at her touch. Her fingers were soft and warm. He relaxed when he realized she was just trying to help him sit up.

"Do you want to eat then shower, or shower then eat?" She asked, already starting on folding some of his bedding.
"Food sounds nice." He ran his hand through his hair, attempting to tame his morning hair. "Did my mom leave already?"
"Mhm." She hummed, already finishing folding his blankets. "Here we go." She tucked her (dominant) arm under him, forcing him up. "If this is painful, please let me know.

Slowly, the two made it into the kitchen. On the table was a breakfast already made.
"Call me, if you need anything." She stated as she helped the male sit down in one of the seats.
The brunette looked at her, "I, uh, didn't catch a name." He had to chuckle at her panicked reaction.
"Oh, my mistake. (L/N) (Y/N)." She introduced. "I'll be taking care of you until you're all healed up!"
He tilted his head, "And how long will that take?"
"Hm..Your mother said a week or two." She dusted her clothes off, which he found were just a normal pair of jeans and a hoodie. "I'll be off, cleaning. Just call if you need anything."
Before he could say another word, she had disappeared.

The food was good, the complete opposite of his mother's cooking. When he finished, he decided he didn't need his caregiver to stand and put the plate into the sink. Slowly he stood, and with one step he found his hands slamming into the kitchen for balance.
"Oikawa-Kun?" From behind the corner, he could hear her gasp. Light, but fast, footsteps followed as the girl now stood by his side. "You should have called me!"
"I can stand on my own." He huffed, turning to look at the girl.

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