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"Let go!" Mark held my mom's floral pin in the air.

"Come and get it." I chased after him, trying to reach him, but he was able to maneuver through the doors and people faster than I expected. He stopped outside next to a sewer.

"You better not drop it in the sewer, or I swear I'll make your life a living hell."

"Sure you will, Ashy boy." He let go, and I watched the pin fall down.

"I'm sorry, Ash. I swear I didn't mean to drop it. It just slipped."

"You piece of shit!" I ran and tackled Mark to the ground. I punched him as hard as I could.

"Get off of me!" He struggled to push me off, but Mr. Wilson pulled me back.

"What do you think you're doing, Ash?! I do not condone this behavior! You're on cleanup duty until further notice."

I walked away in silence. I heard Mark acting like the victim to Mr. Wilson, but I balled my hands into fists to keep myself from tackling him again.

I went upstairs to my room and stared at my bloody hands. I can't believe that dick lost the only thing I have of my mom.

I sat on the edge of my bed and wrapped my hand. I didn't bother to wash because at least if it does get an infection and I die, then I'll be rid of this hellhole.

Since I was on cleanup duty, I had a lot of things to get done, and I don't feel like spending an eternity cleaning, so I got up and went to the kitchen.

I went down the second floor where there was a mini kitchen that had all the cleaning supplies in its cubbies. We never really use this kitchen. Instead, it turned into a mini storage unit for pretty much everything.

Sky happened to be there, which I didn't mind, but I really wasn't in the mood to talk to people.

"Hey, Ash. Are you on cleaning duty?"

"Yeah. Mr. Wilson decided to put me on cleaning duty."

"Guess we're cleaning partners." She smiled, which gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest, but I shook it off. Maybe it was her hazel hair with gold highlights, her precious green eyes, or her adorable smile, but something about her made my heart race. I refuse to admit that I may have a crush on her because I can never let myself get attached after what happened in my family.

"Ash.... Earth to Ash. Are you there?" She was waving her arms in front of me.

"Oh, my bad. I uh dozed off."

"What were you thinking about?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Uhh..nothing much really. Just boring stuff like chores and stuff."

"Ahh, alright. Well, would you mind handing me bathroom detergent that's to your left."

"Sure. I grabbed the purple gallon of soap and handed it to her.

"Ok, I will go clean all the bathrooms because I don't want to punish you more by cleaning those bathrooms. And you can clean the rooms. Sound good?"

I nodded and took the supplies she handed me. Before I could walk out the room, Mark came in snickering at me.

"You better not do that again Ashy boy. I already have Mr. Wilson wrapped around my finger."

Sky stepped in front of me and told him, "Leave him alone Mark. Stop being such a ass. You're the one who lost his mother's pin. How would you feel if he had lost something your dad gave you, huh? Now, if you'll excuse us, we have places to be that isn't here."

She grabbed my hand, and we moved past him. He glared at me, but I was shocked that Sky had stood up for me. I didn't expect her to do that.

Her hands brought back memories of my mom when she'd place her hands on my cheeks and kiss my head goodnight or when she'd hold my small hand in hers when we walked past cars. I felt the warm tears building up in my eyes, but I held them in.

She let go and turned around. "Sorry about that. I just hate the way he treats you. Well, here is where we part ways. I will see you after we're done cleaning?"

I nodded and watch her walk downstairs. I stood there like an idiot, staring at her hazel her bounce around with each step she took. She looked back at me, and I turned away because I didn't want her to know that I was staring. She gave me a warm smile then disappeared down the steps.

I whispered under my breath, "You're a total idiot, Ash."

I decided to clean the top floor rooms first. I started on the left of the hallway and worked my way down. Then, started on the right side and worked my way down.

Each room looked different than the last. Some rooms had posters hung up and headphones lying on the bed among a pile of papers, and other rooms were just plain gross.

When I reached room 119, I knew it was Sky's room. Her room smelled the same way she does. It was a very warm and comfortable room. She had all her pencils, papers, lamp, books, and everything else completely organized. I stared at her bed and saw a small stuffed panda on it. I left the cleaning supplies on the floor and held the bear in my hands.

"My big brother gave it to me."

I turned around and Sky was leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking that's all."

"You're fine." She walked in and stood next to me. The top of her head reached to my chest. She was quite short for a 17 year old.

"My brother killed himself, and the night before, he gave me this panda and told me to take care of it. He told me that this panda represents him, and if I was ever sad, I could hug it, and it'd be like I was hugging him. I didn't know he'd be gone the next day."

"I'm- -I'm really sorry. I had no idea."

"It's ok. There's no way you could have known anyways." She gave me a faint smile.

A moment of silence passed, and I stood there like a awkward idiot who doesn't know how to talk to girls.

"How about we change that?"

"Change what?" I asked.

"I mean let's get to know each other since we don't know much about each other. It'll be like a little date."

I blushed because I had never been asked out by a cute girl.

I smiled and scratched the back of my head, "S—Sure."

"Great! I'll see you after cleaning? It'll be our little date."

"Mm hm." She left the room.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I whispered to myself.

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