The email

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Hailey I'm currently working on my forensic classes when I get an email concerning my rotations for veterinarian and forensics at The University of Sydney if my mother found about my rotations she would disown me she is already angry that dad gave me the houses in Sydney several million dollars I haven't even went to the bank to ask how much.

Hailey can you come down here coming yes mother what is this rotation for Veterinarian for The University of Sydney I thought we agreed you would not persue this No you said and quite frankly I never agreed you just thought I did Hailey drop it drop this degree now it is not for you YOU DON'T KNOW ME DAD DID AND IF YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTROL MY LIFE YOU ARE DEAD WRONG DAD LEFT ME A LETTER HE SAID IN THAT LETTER UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO GET THE MONEY THAT WAS GIVEN TO ME HE ACTUALLY SAID HE DOES NOT TRUST YOU AND THAT BEFORE HE DIED HE WAS GOING TO FILE FOR DIVORCE BECAUSE YOU ARE A GREEDY NO GOOD PERSON SMACK get out of my house GET OUT OF MY HOUSE GLADLY Charlie Cerberus Come No those dogs don't go with you You have no control they were released to me.

uncle Marshall yes Hailey can you send a car for me of course preferably something like an SUV and have them drop me off at the airport yes it will be there in 20 minutes okay that's plenty of time I'll be outside okay and I'm going to keep you on the phone just listen don't speak You are not taking those dogs with you oh why not they are my property no they are not what dad gave me their papers and quite frankly they are working dogs and I have full permission to have them work with police try and stop me I dare you see what happens mother oh that's right you aren't my mother you just disowned me good thing grandma and grandpa love me wait until they here about this and by the way you try and stop me I'll say the damn word and you will not like it now have a Miserable life Katherine goodbye. Oh and I'm already packed oh and one more thing I've sent 90 percent of everything DAD bought Me so everything else is clothes dog stuff and my electronics and the surf and diving gear.

Hey Uncle Marshall hello Hailey now why do you need to go to the airport because I'm doing my rotations in Sydney what rotations and what are they for one is for veterinarian and the other forensics your dad always did say you loved science and animals are a whole different level for if you can calm a predator then you would make a damn good vet if not great and don't worry I'll mention this to Katherine's parents really I saved it in recordings thank you now let's get you to the airport agreed.

time skip to the airport hi I would like to know when the next flight to Sydney the next flight to Sydney is in 3 hours are there any available seats in first class yes I need one and how much is $5,200 I also need to know if my dogs will be Quarantined since they are former military they were declared that they can fly and they have been vaccinated for everything they will need to be watched I know how long will they be Quarantined 10 days okay is there anything we need to know yeah they were search and rescue trained along with bomb sniffing but they do have a little bit of PTS because their handlers were killed okay if you want to sedate them you can alright
Charlie Cerberus come here take this good girl good boy here is your ticket I need to see your passport here you go okay everything is good terminal 14 it's delta you will be stopping in new York okay there you will board a Qantas okay Time skip to boarding hi welcome to delta ma'am would you like anything to drink no thank you how long is the flight 2 hours okay Time skip two hours ladies and gentlemen we are now landing in new York thank you for traveling with delta Time skip 20 minutes to terminal 4 hi I would like to check in I'm flying first class name Hailey Laurel Winthrop yes oh wow you have everything here yes we'll boarding soon  first will be in 20 minutes okay. 20 minutes later first class here you go have a nice flight I will thank you.

ma'am here is your suite oh gosh thank you can order something to eat once we get airborne okay I really really want a burger or chicken tenders with fries loaded cheese fries if you have it anything to drink once were airborne water or like lemonade I tend to drink hot tea or hot chocolate before I sleep those to make me tired okay I'll keep that in mind thank you. are you going to want to call anyone maybe I'll get back to on that. Okay time skip to getting airborne I think I'm going to watch some bondi rescue season 3 ma'am yes we do have everything you wanted how many chicken tenders do you want 4 okay and are they regular or can I we have chipotle chicken tenders I would love that okay okay do you have any lemonade we do can I have strawberry your in luck we have that okay you said loaded fries yes does that include jalapenos yes I love them is that everything yes okay it will be ready soon thank you after dinner and changed into pajamas ma'am yes do want any tea or hot chocolate yeah hot chocolate thank you wait what is it really just past 8:30 do you want me to take your plates sure here you go thank you what time will we land in Sydney I think about 4am really yes ma'am can I make a call sure hello uncle Marshall Hailey how are I'm good I figured I'd call you before I slept a bit okay do you know if I have a vehicle at the airport in Sydney no but I have a car service I use when I'm overseas you can use it okay I'll give them a call I should be in Sydney around 4am okay I love you child love you too Uncle Marshall talk to you after I land in Australia okay sleep well Time skip to 2:30 miss yes if you want to change you can no thank you I'm going to walk out in pajamas
Where to ma'am 11 Kenilworth Street Bondi Junction yes ma'am thank you Time skip to the House thank you your welcome. How much 20 here's 30 keep the change

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