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Hi guys,

Welcome to Resurrection Hour's main story. You've already had a slight taste of what the world turns into in my other episodic stories(Her Handsome Stranger and Out of the Mouth of Babes), but here you will see how it all began and the slow tumble to darkness.

This story is being written during Nanowrimo, so as you can guess, I will not have time to edit prior to posting. If you find any glaring errors, please don't be afraid to let me know. I'm only posting it as extra incentive for me to keep going. I will do my best not to make mistakes, but they will slip in every now and again, especially on my laptop which loves to mess up. *lol*

I do hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to hit that star and vote to let me know you've been here...and if you leave a comment, I'll love you forever :D

Have a great day, everyone!

Resurrection Hour - Hidden in Ice(Nanowrimo)Where stories live. Discover now