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Two weeks had passed and everything is going smoothly.. Gulf already told Mew about his pregnancy 4 days ago.


Gulf went home early from work to prepare a surprise dinner. When Mew came home,he was shocked to see that their house was lit with candles and balloons...he called for his wife and when Gulf appeared in front of him...he wants nothing but to jump him.

'hi boo~ how's your day?'Gulf asked walking to his hubby and pecked his lips

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'hi boo~ how's your day?'
Gulf asked walking to his hubby and pecked his lips. Before Mew can utter a word,Gulf pulled him towards their garden.

 Before Mew can utter a word,Gulf pulled him towards their garden

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' Tada~~!'

'😯 when did you prepared this?'
Mew asked,back hugging Gulf.

'I didn't really go to work today and I asked for help...do you like it? '
Gulf answered while hugging Mew's arms around his waist.

'Like? ...I love it Bii~...you made me feel special' said Mew,nuzzling Gulf's neck and giving it butterfly kisses.

Gulf giggled 'glad you love it...and it's true..you are special...and I have something to tell you after dinner'

With that being said,Mew already knew what it is about...and he is very happy that finally..he can pamper his pregnant wife freely. After having their delicious dinner,Gulf lead Mew inside the tent. He is a bit nervous of Mew's reaction once he tell him about their baby. He take a deep breaths before he faced his hubby.

'I have a confession to make..Boo..and please hear me out first' he starts...

'Why Bii~ did you cheat?' Mew teased Gulf...

'The fu-fudge Mew...I will never do that I swear with my sexy pregnant bod-' realizing his mistakes..he threw a tantrum like a kid. He look outside then bent his knees upward and put his arms around it pouting. Mew is having a hard time not to laugh at his adorable wife.

'I can't believe that my efforts are wasted...tsk' Gulf murmur...

'Bii~ is what your trying to say is...your pregnant?' Mew asked sweetly

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