The Dare.

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"I dare you!" Thomas stated, crossing his arms, his bag of candy at his side. I glanced at Thomas, who gave me this threatening look. my two friends, Georgie and his twin Brother Dan stood frozen, staring at me. 

"I am not going to knock on Quinn's family door," I proclaimed sternly, watching as the bully and his gang of 7 all glared, clearly ready to attack. 

"What are you, Baker, Scared?" He asked in a mocking whiney voice, I crossed my arms refusing to look at them.

"No Thomas, I am not scared I just have common sense." I spat out, My friends looking at with fear in their eyes. I was going to be a goner I knew, but I wasn't going to knock on that haunted Quinn family door, the house creeped me out. "Just Give my sister back her candy, and go find someone else to go to the haunted house."

one kid who was hanging out with my friends was Henry Grey, a rich, sometimes know-it-all boy who I did talk to. my dad happened to be working for his dad, so we have met many times. "It isn't haunted, just use common sense, it is just a normal creepy house!" Henry insisted. the Bullies just laughed, shaking their heads.

"Why don't you go with Baker then?" Thomas right-hand man, Richie treated, grabbing Henry by the cooler. I pushed Richie away, keeping my youngest sister Alice far behind me. "Listen, we aren't going to do your stupid dare!" 

Thomas and his gang looked at each other then at me, "you know what, we'll give you two choices, knock on the door and go inside of Quinn's house or... get beaten up by all 7 of us." I gulped at that threat, to point out I wasn't very big for a 12-year-old, tall but not big enough to beat up all 7 of them. I looked to the house door, but I didn't want to get in trouble for breaking an entry.  "You're choice Baker!"

I glanced at my friends, who grabbed their bags of candy and started to walk towards the main gates, already knowing what I would pick. "wait!" I turned around quickly as one of the bullies grabbed Alice.

"No, we will give you your sister and her candy when you get back! No tricks or else"

I gulped, my hands tightening into fists as I looked at my 9-year-old sister.  she stood their frozen, helplessly, I knew she would probably outsmart them, Alice was the smart one in our family so I knew she would do something. all I had to do was try to help. I glanced at the Bullies one last time before squeezing myself through the iron gates where I knew I'd meet My end...

we walked closer and closer to the big haunted house, each step was filled me with Dread; Georgie at first refused to follow to close, but his Brother Dan convinced him I may need backup when really I felt like I didn't. Henry seemed to have no fear showing on his face, he just walked forward proudly until he got to the front door. "Who is going to knock?" He lifted an eyebrow at us.

"Ben will do it!" Dan said quickly, which I glared at him playfully after he said that. I was willing to knock on the door, I was tho very hesitant, what if someone was inside? and what if I get caught trying to break in? what is even the point of doing this in the first place? my fisted hand came near the door, I stared at the dark door for a while, my hand still in the arm. "Please knock and get it over with," Georgie whined, which was enough to get me to knock. we all tensed up, even Henry. No one answered, so no one lived here. I mean it was obvious no car- the door then opened, "Nope! not happening I'm done!" Georgie said quickly walking down the front porch stairs.

"Georgie no! you can't leave us!" Dan complained, rushing down the stairs to get his brother. me and Henry just stared at the door, frozen with fear, I gulped slowly peeking into the house, who the heck opened the door?! 

"Must've been a draft of air," Henry said calmly, walking in to scan the area. I followed behind him, already guessing that I had lost Georgie and Dan. who when I turned around, we're out of sight, I suppose the two finally chickened out or went to help my sister. I glanced at Henry nervously, "W-what if it's actually haunted tho..."

"Oh," he chuckled, "but it isn't, the front door is very weak you see, it can easily open and close by itself. it is rather windy" Henry explained, opening and closing the door by using his wind magic. "See?" 

I nodded and then looked forward at the top of the stairs, their standing at the top was some sort of figure. I gulped pointing it out to Henry, who was still opening and closing the door. Henry looked at me, furrowing a brow then looked towards where I was pointing and he quickly turned pale. "Is... no... that can't be..." he murmured, fear overcoming him.

"I think that's a ghost!" I screeched, watching as the figure walked in between the walls. a dead expression wore on its face. "this can't be possible..." I backed up, soon crashing into Henry. who helped me back up as I fell.

"This must be a joke," Henry explained then Screamed loudly as the very same figure appeared right next to us, by the door. its head turned all the way to the right and his hand reached forward towards us, I screamed loudly, hearing the bullies outside cackling. "this must be a joke! it has to be" we both rushed into the old kitchen towards the back door, "it's locked!" Henry cried out, Struggling with the door.

"Break it down!" I said holding the door closed, but it was too late, the ghost walked right through me, cold icy tingles followed after. I screamed yet again, looking towards Henry who used his air magic to Push the door open all the way. the door fell to the ground, hitting it hard, almost smashing into pieces. both of us rushed out staring at the ghost, who disappeared, Henry glanced at me, Furrowing a brow. "Where did it go?" He asked.

I hand both hands over my chest, still alarmed that that ghost went right through me. "Not sure..." I mumbled, glancing up to the night sky. "Wait, what should we do now? we are stuck in the backyard, we have to go through the house... again..."

Henry looked at me, frowning, then sighed, "there has to be another way out? right?" He looked around, but there was no exist. the walls were too tall, and there was no exit gate. "We should make a run for it, okay?" I nodded and both Me and Henry looked back at the house nervously, then just ran. ran through the kitchen, passed the dining room, and into the living room where the front door was closed, "Frick!" I cursed, as the front door won't open now. I knocked on it over and over again, but no answer. "Guys!! let us out!!!" I cried out, looking at Henry who was preparing to blow this door open, I mean it was a weak door. Henry cracked his hands, shooing me to the corner as He tried to blow the door open. "Yes!" He said as the creaked open, I rushed out of the door only for it to slam. "OUCH OUCH OUCH," I struggled to get my arm unstuck from the door, My parents are going to kill me if I break something. "Henry HelP!" I looked at Henry who stood there helplessly, "DO SOME- OUCHHHHHHH!!!!!" I finally yanked my arm out, it was clearly bruised and badly hurt, I glared at Henry. "Now we are stuck again, and my arm maybe is broken" I flexed my arm, grimacing through the pain.

"We could break a window?" Henry suggested, looking at the window. I nodded, continuing to mess with my arm until the pain stopped. Henry took a deep breath in before blowing the window into pieces, "there, let's get out now!" we both jumped out of the window, falling a small fall, me landing on my hurt arm... now its broken, I grimaced and rushed towards the gates, standing there was two officers, the bullies, my two friends, their parents, and my sister.

Henry went pale, and I gulped. I'm dead I already know. the officers looked at us, shaking their heads. I looked towards my feet, me and Henry both getting scolded by Georgie and Dan's parents, "You could've died!! that house is very weak!" "Oh, your parents will be so worried?!" "Is your arm hurt dear, oh goodness" they all gabbered on as the bullies were being taken away, I guess they have been daring kids to steal and stealing themselves, me and my friends all went home, my mom picking me up, she continued to scold me and then worrying for me, then saying that my dad was going to be very cross with me. "Darling you could've been very hurt."

"Mom, what else was I suppose to do, get beat up?!" I looked out the car window, feeling my mom stop the car as we pulled into our driveway, she forced me into her embrace, me grimacing since it was hurting my arm. "I need to take you to a doctor..." she told me. I went inside, my mom calling a doctor. My dad was more mad at my stupidity, saying all I had to do was take Alice and run... I mean I should've done that...

Hey hey! thankyou for reading this short story which features my favorite OC character, Benjamin :) anyways, thank you all for reading this story I will most likely Post more short stories featuring Benjamin :D            anyhoo! Hope you all are having a wonderful day :) or night... BYYeeee

Word count: 1690.

Written by: A.G.D

Genre: Idk. 

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