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season 7, episode 1 - with you i'm born again


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ALLISON CARTER SURVIVED THE SHOOTING THAT HAPPENED AT SEATTLE GRACE. The trauma fresh to her, which is why there she was sitting in front of a man in the conference room. The room was silent, Allison wanted to get out of there, she hated awkward silence it made her uncomfortable.

"Dr. Carter, can you talk to me about the shooting?"  Andrew Perkins, the trauma counselor asked Allison as he leaned forward in his seat. "I have read over what you've been through, but I would like to hear it from you."

Allison stayed quiet for a moment. She is alive and she's grateful. She let out a sigh, "It was a normal day at work and then shots fired." Allison leg started to bounce up and down, "I ran up the stairs before the shooter can shoot me."

"Were you looking for somebody?" He asked crossing his hands together.

"No." Allison shook her head, "I was going to do post-ops and before I know it I heard shots being fired."

"You also saw Derek Shepherd in critical condition?" He asked looking at his notebook.

"Yes." She nodded.

"You watched him almost die right in front of your eyes." He said as Allison glanced at the window behind him, not wanting to think about that day. It felt like she was going to relieve the moment like she did every night.


"Hey." Jackson greeted Allison with a smile as he made his way to the nurses station.

Everyone is waiting to welcome Derek back to work since it's going to be his first day back to the hospital since the shooting.

"Hey." Allison smiled at him as she leaned against the nurses station.

"Did you get clear for surgery?" Jackson asked, knowing Allison left the house early to talk to Perkins.

Allison shook her head, "No."

Jackson opened his mouth to say something, but before he had the chance applause was filling the air. Allison looked over to see Derek joining everyone. making his way towards the staircase.

"Hey, uh yes, good morning. Thank you. Thank you very much." Derek spoke up as he looks at the CT scans in his hands. "Good. Thank you. It's uh, it's great to be back. First of all, I'd like to thank Dr. Webber for stepping up in my absence. Thank you. I'm grateful for all of you, for all of your support during my recovery. Thank you, it's just uh, so great to be back as chief." Derek paused once again as he looked at the scans, "I'm sorry. That's a lie. That's what people say, and uh the truth is, I hate being chief. I hate it."

Allison eyes went wide.

"What's he doing?" Jackson whispered to Allison.

"I-I don't know."

𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 - j. avery ¹Where stories live. Discover now