Chapter 5

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I thought that making this drive to visit Torah wouldgive me knots of anxiety, but as I drove through the smalltown, it started to look familiar, and then I passed a road signthat pieced it altogether. The sign read: Warren 40 miles.That's where Charles lives. I pulled over onto a gravel driveway and sent a text to Charles, letting him know I was aroundif he wanted to hang out. I clicked back on my GPS,momentarily forgetting I had silenced it, and became stunnedwhen it stated that I had arrived.I got out of Honda to stomp out my cigarette butt andtook a minute to admire my surroundings. The graveldriveway was rounded, and in the center of it started a green yard with a concrete walkway leading up to a wrap-aroundporch. To the left of the porch sat two rocking chairs with asteel table in between them. To the right of the porch, in thecorner, stood a marble dining table with steel chairs. Thehouse was set up to resemble a log cabin, except the woodwas more of a red color rather than brown, and they werestacked evenly instead of one horizontally, one vertically, etc.The front door was a light green color hidden behind a glassdoor, and two windows sat on either side of the door.I looked down at my phone, about to send Torah amessage, letting her know I was here, but before I could eventype out the first word, the front door busted open and Torahcame racing toward me, arms wide open. She jumped intome, and I caught her. For a minute we did that cute spiral hugthat's seen in romance movies."Are we alone?" I asked Torah, breaking our hug. Shelooked me dead in the eyes."My little brother is home, and my grandma, she liveswith us." My stomach felt a little uneasy about being withTorah while her parents are away; but I just drove two wholehours, so there was no way I was leaving so soon."Where's everybody else?" I knew my gut wouldn'tsettle until I asked."My older brother is with his girlfriend, and my mom isworking.""What about your dad?" Torah gave me a stern look."My parents are separated," she said. "They're stillmarried, just separated at the moment. That's how I was ableto attend the homecoming dance. My dad still lives there; inour old house." Her story felt similar to mine in a way, but yetvery different. I so badly wanted to explain my entire life to herat this very moment, but I also just wanted to learn about herfor the time being. So, I didn't say anything and let her changethe subject. "So, are you hungry?" She asked. "I was just watching a movie and about to make some popcorn." Inodded, and she grabbed my hand, leading me inside.The inside of the house was rather dark, and to theleft were two bedrooms, and to the right, sat a boy playingvideo games."Well C'mon now guys, don't be shy," Torahencouraged. "Carter, this is my younger brother Elias. Elias,this is my friend Carter." I cringed at the word 'friend.'"Yeah, hey, hi," Elias mumbled, never ungluing hiseyes from the tv screen. Torah shrugged and walked away. Ifollowed her into an open living room that sat in front of adining table, in front of an oddly shaped kitchen. I watchedTorah's hips sway as she walked over to the microwave witha bag of popcorn. She turned around and I quickly had toadjust my eyes."You want one? "She smiled."We can share," I responded. I looked around again,admiring my new surroundings. Straight ahead was a tinylaundry room that was also the home to the hot water heater.To the right, was the kitchen appliances; stove, refrigerator,sink. To the left was a backdoor. Going backwards, across theroom from the dining table was a room divider, and anotherdoor."What's behind here?" I asked Torah curiously as shepulled out the bag of popcorn. She turned a saw me pointingat the room divider."That's where my grandma sleeps," she explained."Why doesn't she sleep in that room right there?" Ireadjusted my point to the door beside the divider."That's the bathroom silly," Torah flirted. I smiled shylyand rubbed my neck in embarrassment as she brushed pastme. She sat down on the couch and pressed play on the tvremote, patting a spot next to her. I smiled harder and joinedher. She was watching the infamous 'Dear John' and although I'm not a fan of chick-flicks, I watched along with her, stealinga couple handfuls of popcorn.Okay, I really watched her more than I watched themovie. She caught me a few times and placed her hand onmy cheek, turning my head back towards the movie."The movie is that way," she would say each time, butI could only focus on her. Even not being drowned in make upor in a gown as sparkly as the moon, she was gorgeous. Herhair was still curly, but they were natural. Her pimples werevisible and her glasses sat perfectly on her little crooked nose.Not to mention, she was wearing a pair of leggings thatperfectly outlined her butt, and her tee shirt was just looseenough to hide the little bit of pudge that she had.When the movie was over, Torah invited me into herroom, which was through a door in the living room, isolatedfrom where the other bedrooms were. Her bedroom washuge. She had her own fireplace, solid wood furniture paintedan elegant white, and there was a full body mirror danglingfrom her closet door."Nice," I mentioned and then suddenly itched or acigarette. "I'll be back," I told her, going outside. I leaned downinto my car to grab my pack of Newport's and lighter. When Ireappeared from inside, Torah was sitting on the trunk,searching for stars in the slowly darkening sky. I lit mycigarette and jumped on my trunk beside her."It's always been a dream of mine to wish on the firststar," Torah explained, making me wonder what it is shewould wish for"So beautiful," I whispered."Aren't they?" Torah asked, referencingthe stars. "I meant you," I admitted which turned her attention tome. We stared at each other for a minute, then I kissed her,my eyes closing for the first time ever."No, no," Torah said, pulling away."Fuck," I thought. "She didn't want that." Just as I feltmy face turn warm, Torah was kissing me, her tonguedancing with mine, and suddenly my thoughts turned to Emiand why she always pulled away so quickly, then I pulledaway from Torah, eyeing her suspiciously."Did you just call me a bad kisser?" I questioned. Shesmirked at me."You're welcome," was her response and I shot a lookof confusion her way. Torah jumped down and wiped herbottom clean of any dirt, watching as another car pulled intothe driveway. She walked up to the driver's window."Hey Mom," Torah greeted. Her mom climbed out ofthe car and I had to look twice at her. Torah's mom is kind ofhot. "This is Carter," Torah introduced. I hoped off my Hondato shake her hand and she kindly accepted, and asked if I metTorah at school."No ma'am," I told her then explained thecircumstances of which I met her daughter. As soon as Ifinished speaking my phone started blaring. It was phone callfrom Charles. I excused myself to answer it.Upon returning, Torah and her mom stoppedsocializing and looked in my direction. I looked directly atTorah."Would you like to meet my dad?" I asked."Tonight?" Torah queried."Yeah he lives about forty minutes from here." Torahlooked perplexed but turned to her mom for closure."Will you be spending the night?" Torah's mom asked. Is that okay?" I nodded. Torah's mom said it wasfine as long as we told her that we arrived. Torah hugged hermom goodnight and they exchanged 'I love you's' beforeTorah got into my Honda. Torah and I were still getting toknow one another. I figured taking her to meet Charles and allmy siblings right off the bat would be the ultimate test, a wayto show her where I came from, so I didn't mention how manypeople there were or how filthy their trailer was, because Iknew it would put her off going.We jammed out to country music on the way toWarren. I turned the radio up louder as I pulled into the trailerpark. Charles and all the kids were watching us like hawks,piled on the tiny porch and few outdoor steps. I parked, andimmediately some of my brothers started to crowd my Honda.I got out and Torah shyly followed behind me. I madeintroductions one at a time then we were invited inside forsome drinks; Charles not minding our age.Charles, his wife, the kids (excluding the ones underage ten), and myself were drinking bud light while Torahsipped on a Seagram's. My family was bombarding her withquestions."Where are you from?""When's your birthday?""How old are you?""Do You smoke?" Those, and basically everyquestion in between. Torah kindly answered each one, tough Icould tell she was a little uncomfortable. By the time mysiblings ran out of questions to ask her, she had downed fourSeagram's. When we offered her another, she declined andexcused herself to go outside. I placed my beer down tofollow her. I watched from the porch as she leaned over a fewfeet away from my Honda and vomited. She sat on the groundafterwards and I walked over to her. "Are you okay babe?" I slipped, thinking she'd be madI called her that, but instead she nodded her head."It was just so hot in there," she explained."I know," I mouthed, patting her back. "Are you sure itwas from the heat and not the alcohol?" I asked, Torahnodded again and then we were joined by Robin, my youngerbrother but the oldest of the kids."Is she okay?" he asked me. I said yes and then heasked her if she'd like some water. Torah again answeredwith a nod of her head, and Robin disappeared into the trailer."This place is disgusting," she whispered to me. I satdown beside her."I know, I'm sorry.""You could have warned me," she sighed."I didn't want you to not come," I admitted. "If it makesyou feel any better, you're the only girl I've ever brought here.""I can see why," she argued. "This place isembarrassing.""That's why Torah, I only brought you here becauseyou're special. I want you to know everything." She looked upat me, her eyes glistening. I leaned in to kiss her forehead atthe same time Robin returned, handing Torah a cup of tapwater. She sipped it slowly."You okay?" I asked her. She nodded once more."No more drinking though," she acquired. I frowned."Can I still drink a little though?" She half-smiled-halffrowned but allowed."I'm not going back inside though," she said, soundingexhausted all of a sudden. I turned to Robin, who had heardher say that."It okay," Robin said. "I know this place is bad." Robinand I went inside to fetch some more beers and the rest of thefamily followed us outside, and that's where the partycontinued. Charles was sitting one of the steps and Torah joined him. They talked about the only subject Charles knowseverything about: cars. Robin and I stood around, challengingeach other to shot gun a few beers. The more beer I drank,the drunker I became, and I kept wobbling my way over tocheck on Torah, until Charles grew tired of that and put a stopto it."She's fine," he growled. "She's watching you havefun." He shooed me away.Between just Robin and me, we finished two packs ofbud light, that Charles had bought with his $50 weekly budget.I could barely stand, let alone walk, and Torah came to assistme. She sat me in the back of my Honda and then joined me."Torah," I whispered."I'm here." I didn't say anything else and dosed off fora second, then a spark of energy hit me and I crawled onTorah, attacking her neck and mouth with kisses."Carter," she moaned, but I ignored her. "I can smellthe alcohol on your breath." But she still ignited my kisses intoflames of an endless make out session. My hand slipped upher shirt and under her bra, caressing her left breast. Shestruggled to remove my hand." No," she enforced."I want you, here and now." I demanded."We're outside your dad's house in your car.""Everyone's asleep," I tried to say, sputtering andslurring my words."Carter, I-" I stopped her by kissing her, and at that,she gave up trying to stop me. I slipped my hand back underher shirt and bra, pinching her nipple between my thumb andpointer finger, sending her screaming into a moaning fit.Torah encouraged that we keep on our shirts, so we pulledour pants down around our ankles and I inserted myself insideher, throwing both our heads back in pleasure. I thrusted overand over again, enough times to fuck myself back into sobriety, and then I finished, and Torah was quick to throwher pants back on, and help me into mine, us both gasping forbreath."Torah, that-" She stopped me, reaching over thecenter console for a can of soda we had bought earlier. Sheturned to ask me if I had a straw. I told her to check the centerconsole. She opened it and then her face fell as she pulledout the bra Emi left there that I completely forgot about. Myeyes grew wide."Oh, shit."

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