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Divided into two, White and Black, day and night, the two Kingdoms battled for decades.

Sitting on their rightful thrones, the new heirs look into the crowd, meeting at the barrier in between the dark and light.

The light king was nothing but beautiful, looking so pure with his honey-kissed skin shining in the sun.

The dark king was definitely beautiful, his pitch-black hair contrasting with his fair skin, making his eyes stand out more.

Both of them glared at the other, rising their chins higher in a petty way while their heads were filled with worry.


Jeon Jungkook, the 820th heir of the Jeon dynasty sits at his throne, in his beautiful castle. He finally managed to kick his father off of it, that old motherfucker not wanting to leave yet.

Huffing, he stared out of the big glass window, looking over at the light castle across from his land.

He had to do it. If he didn't win as The King, something he's been training for all his life, he'd kill himself.  All those lessons, that screaming, beating, fight classes, speech classes, bruises, he had to learn how to walk, talk and act like a King since day 1.

Being a Royal isn't all fun and games, it isn't tea parties and rainbows. It's a cruel world with so much pain and anger and so many responsibilities.

He dismissed the messenger, a small boy who's barely to his shoulders, with a petite body and small eyes, his brown hair looking darker in the dim light.

After hours, and hours of signing papers, talking with the ministers and his Father who still demanded he was good to be on the throne, Jungkook collapsed on his bed, a tired groan leaving his lungs as the pain in his back slowly washed away.

A small knock on the door woke the sleeping King up, who immediately started whining before telling the person to come in.

A man, a bit taller than him walked into the room, looking buff and angry. To this Jungkook perked up, his head popping up from the covers.

"Sir, My name is Kim Namjoon, a class SS guard. It's my honor to serve you." The tall man bowed 90 degrees, his eyes glued to the floor as he waited for instructions.

The King dragged his body to the edge of the bed, his feet dangling off it and onto the floor. His body was only a few inches from the other's body.

"Say, how old are you, Mr.Kim?" Jungkooked asked sheepishly. The man looked very young and Jungkook hoped that way since everyone in his castle is older and pretty boring.

"I'm 25 sir," Namjoon spoke up, his head still bowed with his body, as he held his left arm on his back, and the left one in front of him.

"Oh! You aren't much older than me. No need to be so stiff I don't bite." The younger spoke up, a bright smile on his face as he watched the other rise, looking so tall and majestic. "Yes sir."

"So what exactly is your job?" The king asked curiously as he brought his feet back on the bed. "Well," the guard started, " I will be your guard from today. Which means I go with you everywhere and anywhere. No exceptions...Except for the bathroom." The last statement made Jungkook chuckle, causing Namjoon to slip a small smile before going back to his serious face.

They talked for a little bit before Jungkook decided it'll be best for him to sleep. He hadn't had any rest, nor will he when his father starts bitching tomorrow morning.


It was time for the grand ball, where every high-class citizen was welcomed into the palace, all of the previous kings of the Jeon dynasty gathered together.

Jungkook's body was dressed in a silk suit, a corset latched tightly onto his body, making his waist stand out even more. Since he was still shy and very held back, he asked his guard to accompany him.

Of course, Namjoon wasn't going to decline, it was his job after all... And Jungkook looked scared, so he had some sympathy for the younger.

The guard's body was hugged tight by the brown suit he was wearing, a black coat draped over his shoulders as he waited for the young king to exit his chambers.

Jungkook slowly opened the big wooden door, peeking his head out before whispering out. "Namjoon, have you seen my father anywhere?" The guard looked around and shook his head afterward while whispering back "No sir. Why are we whispering?"

He didn't need an answer after the king walked out of the room, his crown standing proudly on his head, as his hands were decorated with many golden rings, some were even worn by his ancestors.

Namjoon's jaw dropped as he basked in the other's glory, he just radiated that King energy. How lucky is he, to be immortal with the king.

This world works differently than any other. There are mortals and immortals. For example, Jungkook's great-great grandfather was immortal, but that doesn't mean his grandfather and father are, they are in fact, mortal, and Jungkook here is immortal, same with his guard.

"Are you ready sir?"

With a big sigh, the king linked his arm with Namjoon's before walking down the hall and into the ballroom. "Yes, I think I am." 


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