Chapter 12

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"But dad would never let me go with you." I said, even though it was obvious to us both.

"So? We don't have to tell him." Ross got a suspicious look on his face. "Let's talk to my parents about it, please? See what they have to say?"

"Okay, it's worth a shot." We walked through the sliding doors of the hospital and out to my car. It had been about an hour since we'd arrived and it was clear Rydel wasn't waking up any time soon. "Where do we go now?" I asked, turning to Ross in the passenger seat.

He looked at the time on the dashboard. "It's almost dinner time at my house, you wanna go there?" 

I slid my key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. I maneuvered out of the parking lot and onto the street. Ross reached up and pulled my right hand off the steering wheel and positioned his around it. I drove with just my left hand the rest of the way.

Ryland greeted us from the front steps as we pulled up to the Lynch house. "Hey guys, Rachel are you staying for supper?"

"Yeah she is," Ross answered for me. I smiled and nodded at the youngest Lynch member. 

"Cool!" He said and ran inside. Ross and I followed him but a bit more slowly. 

"Hey guys," Mrs. Lynch walked into the room as we were taking off our shoes. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour." I could see the circles starting to form around her eyes from the recent stresses. 

"Alright, we're gonna go hang out upstairs until then." Ross said to his mom. She smiled and left the room again. "I figure we'll wait until after we eat. Ready?" He held out his hand, I took it, and he led me up to his room. Ryland was there playing PS3 on his bed. 

"Hey Ryland," I greeted him as I walked in behind Ross. Ross bounced down onto his bed and then squirmed over to make room for me.

"Are you guys gonna be all gross in here. Because I do not wanna see that..." Ryland said, pausing his game.

"What do you mean 'gross'?" Ross asked with a smirk. "Oh like this?"

He leaned in front of me and put his hands on either side of my waste. Our lips were centimeters away from touching when Ryland yelled, "Okay okay I'm leaving!" He set his controller down and walked out, closing the door behind him. Ross pulled his mouth into a smile and backed away without finishing our kiss. 

"Meany," I pouted as he rolled back into his place beside me.

"Why? He would have just been annoying anyway..." Ross looked defensive.

"Not for that." I giggled as I kicked one leg over him and balanced on his lap facing him.

He pulled himself up until he was looking at me straight. "Then...what?"

"For teasing me like that..."

I moved my hands down to his waste and his went up my thighs, sending chills up my back and forcing me closer to him. The edges of our noses grazed each other. We were so close I could feel his mouth whisper, "My bad."  I had to force my teeth-baring smile away in order to return his kiss. I lost my breathe after a minute of constant embrace so Ross moved to my neck. His lips smacking against my skin repeatedly. I moved his mouth back to mine.

"Ehhmm..." Our lip lock was broken by Riker inviting himself in. "Dinner's almost ready. Mom wants you to set the table." He said with a smirk on his face.

Had it been an hour already? I trailed Ross to the dinning room. He quickly layed out plates and silverware and I straightened his careless work as he went. "Perfectionist..."

"What can ya do?" I said with a shrug. We all gathered around the mahogany table as Stormy carried in roast, potatoes, and a few other sides. The woman was a genius in the kitchen. 

After dinner I went to Riker's room while Ross helped his parents clean up. Riker and I played guitar hero for about half an hour before Ross stepped into the room. His face looked a little disappointed but I wasn't sure. Did he ask his parents about the tour? Did they say no? 

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