Chapter 7

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During the month of November and the beginning of December, Sherlock and John grew very close. Sherlock would often help John with his science revision, and John would occasionally help Sherlock with his enquiries for Scotland Yard which brought them together. Especially since most of it was murder-related and taking that pressure on one's own is a lot to handle. They balanced eachother out, if you will.

Friday, December 11th 2020 - Sherlock's POV

John and I waddled out of biology in stitches, as just minutes earlier we'd had a cover teacher who let us do anything (Mrs Fray was off ill). And of course, I began making inappropriate deductions about our classmates. Laughing with John never got boring, it was always so.. fresh. Another factor contributed to my unbridled joy - the fact that was our last lesson until January.

When we arrived back at 221B, we both kicked our shoes off and slumped onto our respective beds. The pillows felt like the gates of heaven welcoming me, so soft yet dreary. Of course, John was the first to speak; out of he and I, he was the socialite.

"Can't believe we've got just under a month off now. It seemed fun at first but.. I dunno, I feel like i'll get bored."

"You won't get bored. You have me." replied I, in a somewhat joking manner. I'm not joking. You'll always have me, John.

"Yeah, but we live in different houses Sherlock."

"That factor was quite obvious thank you John," I rolled my eyes and scoffed, turning my attention to my best friend who was staring at me; a look of interest written all over his face. "but you have my number. Speaking of my number, you haven't replied to the text I sent when we first met." I frowned. He grinned playfully and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, unlocking it and typing furiously. What a goof. My phone, as expected, Pinged.

'Let's go for a walk. -JW.' I looked up from the screen and John was towering over me, puppy eyes staring intently at my face. Damnit John. Don't do that to me. A fluttery feeling arose from the pit of my stomach, making me feel nauseous in a.. nice way? I pushed the feeling aside by getting up and sliding my coat on, my roommate soon following.

"So, why the walk? there's a foot of snow and we're not really supposed to be going out anyway."

"Since when does Sherlock Holmes follow rules?"


"Come on, we're only going to the rooftop. I'm not going trudging through that snow." He chuckled, unlocking the door and stepping out. I closed the door and John locked it before we paced down the never ending, grey corridor which led to the staircase.

As soon as I swung the door open the bitter London breeze nipped at my eyes, causing them to tear up ever so slightly. John must've noticed this as he giggled softly, approaching a pile of bricks which looked sturdy enough to sit on. We sat down in unison, huffing at the cold air.

The forest we claimed as our own which was once green and spry, was now covered in a thick coat of snow. Buildings you could usually see from up here were now glazed in white. It was like being inside of a snow globe. People wrapped up in scarves and trench coats dotted the streets, the hot air they breathed soon evaporating and turning to mist.


Once again I checked my phone, sighing as I realised who has just texted me.

'There's a new boy in Hillview. Be weary, brother dear. -MH'

"There's a new boy?" John questioned, reading the message over my shoulder. I'm surprised he managed that, he is quite small after all.

"Apparently so."

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