The Story Of Us

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Chapter One.

5:45 a.m. - RIIIINNNGGG! Oh crap. My alarm clock. Only means one thing- school. But not just any other day of school. This was high school. A new high school, in a new state. As much as I told myself I was ready, I wasn't. & There was no doubt about it. I rolled out of bed anyways. I was definitely NOT looking forward to freshman year. but i got ready, & went anyway


6:39 a.m. - "Alright mom, I'm out! Love you!" I yelled, as the bus driver honked the horn & I bit into an apple.

"Love you too sweetie! Have a great first day at your new school!"

7:20 a.m. - "Finally. Now to find first period." I said to myself, "What the he-"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He said, as I fell to the ground. Along with everything I was carrying.

"Yeah," I said, trying to avoid the situation. "It's fine. listen, I gotta go."

"Where? Are you lost? I can help you. Honest." He held out his hand to help me off the ground. "I'm Luke. Luke Brody."

I gave him a crooked smile, "thanks! Do you happen to know where Mrs. uhhh, Jorgeson's class is?"

"I know exactly where it is! It just happens to be right across from my locker! Follow me."

He seemed nice. Too nice? Maybe. He was cute! And seemed like the popular type. & Last time i checked, i wasn't what you would consider "pretty". Let alone popular. I was just, well... Awkward. "Okay!" I told him.

About two minutes later, after we've walked through probably 15 different hallways, he broke the silence. "So, where are you from?"

"Georgia. My mom got a promotion for the magazine she works for, so we moved down here!"

"Small town up there?" He asked me.

"For sure!" I replied, as we stopped & he showed me into the classroom.

"Well! this is room 547, Mrs. Jorgeson's class! I'll see you around." He said with a wink, and for the first time that day I felt happy.

RIIINNNGGG! My thoughts? School sucks.

"Settle down class!" I heard a woman yell, as the door was slammed close. Mrs. Jorgeson. "Taking attendance, so sit down and be quiet! Don't talk unless you hear your name!"

I guess I might have zoned out, because I didn't hear anybody's name, except mine, the fourth time she called it.

"VENESSA HARDY" She yelled, loudly.

I shot my head up as fast as i could. "HERE! I'm sorry Mrs. Jorgeso-"

"Save it! I don't wanna hear a word from you all day. And if your head comes anywhere near the desk again, that's an after school detention for everyday this week."

"but I-" crap. I should have thought twice.

"Well miss Hardy. You seem to have a lot of confidence with talking back.. After school detention." She said, & I suddenly filled with anger.

I shot up in my seat. Again, not over thinking it. "It's the first day of school! I'm tired! I did not sleep last night! I just got here from Georgia last night, at 11:45! So chill out!" Woah. I didn't realize i could say all that in one breath. Okay. Good to know.

"Fine miss Hardy. First warning. Go sit in the hallway." She sounded calm. Surprise, surprise. Maybe she just needed a wake up call.

I opened the door & let myself out. Then I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. Two new messages.

- Unread Message From Mom:

Hi Hun! How's your first day so far? Meet any new friends? Luv ya! Xoxo -Mom.

- Reply To Mom:

Hey mom. School's alright. I met one person. And got in trouble. Tell you about it later, lol. Love you too!

- Unread Message From Madison:

Bro! Come back to Georgia. We miss you! Visit soon girl!

- Reply to Madison

I miss you too! And I will soon, I promise!

Just then, i seen a familiar face walking towards me. "Hey Venessa!"

"Luke! Hi!" I said, not realizing how big my smile was.

"Kicked out?" He asked, with a laugh.

"Yeah." I said, giggling.

"I see, I see. Talk back? Wouldn't doubt that's the reason. Am i right? That's what she Jorgeson hate the most." He smiled.

"Pretty much!"

"Come on. I'll show you around. She won't check on you I promise. Hand me your schedule."

"Alright," I said. Giving him my schedule.

"Looks like we have fourth period together! Sweet! I heard study hall was boring. But we can hangout there, right?" He said smiling, still.

"Yeah! Definitely!"

Just then, the bell rang. He pulled me out of the way, next to his locker. "Meet me here right after school. If you want. We can go grab some coffee, or hot chocolate. Which ever you prefer. I'll drive."

"Cool, because I don't have a license. So, I'll meet you here. You can drive." I said, then walked away to Mr. Backman's class for Geometry.

1:57 p.m. - School's out for today. Now off to find Luke! I walked to his locker, where he said to meet him. And he was just standing there next to his locker. Was he waiting for me? Naah. Probably not, because i just watched what had looked like the entire football team go up to him and talk like they were all best friends. He was probably waiting for the cheerleaders to do the same.

"Venessa!" I heard a voice scream my name, then looked over and Luke was staring right at me, waving.

I started walking faster, towards him. "Hey Luke!"

He smiled, and it made me want to jump with joy. He grabbed my hand, and showed me his Dodge Ram pick-up truck. "Get in, we can go wherever. I'll pay!"

"Tim Hortons?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure! I could go for a coffee right about now!" He replied, then looked at me and smiled. Of course, I smiled back.

The entire twenty minute ride there, were spent singing country songs we both knew. Every now and then he would look at me, and sing to me. It made me feel happy. Happier than i've been in a while. I've only known him for a few hours. But he seems like the type of guy who could be a great friend. Or maybe even more.

When we got there, he pulled in to a parking spot close to the door. He got out of the truck, then came around and let me out. We walked inside, and ordered, then sat down.

"So, Venessa. Tell me about yourself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2012 ⏰

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