yoongi's coffee

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The sun was already at it's highest point and Yoongi scrunched his nose while opening up the blinds. Sunshine ran through his dark locks and stopped at his plump lips that were frowned into small pout. His hand slipped into pockets and took out the phone which was buzzing for a good three seconds.

"G'day mate~"

Jungkook's deep morning voice was more than enough for Yoongi to understand that the younger one didn't sleep till 5 am again. He rolled his cat-like eyes and sighted into his phone.

"Bitch, first of all why ur ass was online at 5 am and, second, why are u bothering my morning routine?"

Yoongi heard the sarcastic laugh at the end of the call and rolled his eyes once more, like it was his full time job. Jungkook was his best friend since middle school. Maybe, because of the crack energy coming from both of them, or maybe, because of the love for anime and manga's. He didn't need anyone else as his friend except this dumbass.

"Yo, ur morning routine consits of looking at Hoseok's poster for good 20 minutes and then going back to your computer"

Yoongi cringed at the tought of being this much attracted and attached to some drawing. He flopped on his bed groanin into his phone.

"Juan Cock, don't shame me for stuff u do all the time- anyways.. what did u want for real?"

The older one heard an excited squick from Jungkook and smiled into his ceiling. Seeing his best friend this happy, made him happy too.



Yoongi didn't let him finish, hoping out of his bed and going straight to his kitchen. He would never believe such thing. Grabbing coffee beans and putting them into coffee machine, his mind started to wonder about his own reality again, while Jungkook strted to ramble about the positive things about his idea. Yoongi sighted and starred outta the window where sun was still shining as brightly as before. Life isn't some manga or anime. It really isn't. It is real and he needs to have a courage to find good things in it. He needs. Does he? The coffee machine announced that his americano was ready and he grabbed it, fastly swallowing the dark drink. Life really is like a coffee sometimes-

"Yoongs, are you even listening to me? Blinks twice if yes"

Yoongi's toughts were interupted with the youngers sentense. He let out a small laugh and smiled to his phone.

"Kook, I am okay.. Do you really want to try it THAT hard?"

"Yes. Yes, I do- But the thing is.."

Jungkook's voice faded and now they were in comfortable but confusing silence. He was thinking of something, Yoongi knew it, so he patiently waited until the younger didn't start to talk again.

"YOONGS, PLEASE? Can we do it together? Please?"

"I mean, how can I say "no" to u? No."

"C'mon, you old bastard, nothing bad could happen!! Just one time- please~?"

Yoongi put his drink down and laughed while rolling his eyes.

"Okay, okay.. but if it doesn't work, we won't try again"

when weeb is in love ♡ yoonseok ♡Where stories live. Discover now