Chapter 7: Relaxation

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I awaken in Amanda's grasp, she is not yet awake. I slowly start getting out of her grasp, once I'm out of it I slowly move to get off the bed. When I'm about to get off the bed Amanda suddenly shot up and grabbed me, she dragged me back down to cuddle.

Amanda:"You thought you could leave me while I was asleep, no no no, I love you to much to let you leave without snuggling for a little bit." I heard her say

Y/n:"I was just trying to get out so i could make my pregnant girlfriend some breakfast." I respond

Amanda:"I don't want you to make me breakfast, I want to cuddle." She says

Y/n:"Alright, we'll cuddle." I say

After 5 to 10 minutes of cuddling she finally let you go. I had gotten comfortable and didn't want to get out of bed, so I stayed there with her.

Amanda:"I thought you were going to get out of bed." She said

Y/n:"I got comfortable, and you're too damn pretty to just get out of bed." You respond

Amanda:"I know I'm pretty, now can you give me a kiss. I missed you while you fought." She said

I turn her around and pull her close then proceed to give her a kiss. This kiss lasted a few minutes, and she didn't want it to end. I finally pulled away to breath.

Amanda:"Aww, I wasn't ready to stop. Besides you taste delicious." She said

Y/n:"I'm sorry, but I really have to get up." I say

Amanda:"What do you have to do?" She asks

Y/n:"Well I have to take a shower, I have to get some food, and I have to take care of you." I respond

Amanda:"We can take a shower together, I will get you the food, and you will relax." She says

Y/n:"Fine." I say knowing she already made up her mind

Amanda and me get out of bed, then go to the bathroom. We take a shower which last 15 minutes. We get out, we get dried then I sit on the bed. Amanda leaves to get some food for us, she comes back 5 minutes later, with two trays of food. She sits down on my lap and hands me the tray.

Y/n:"Thank you." I tell her

Amanda:"Your very welcome, can I have a reward?" She asks

I give her a kiss which lasts for 8 seconds. She then starts to eat her food, I wait till she is done to start mine. I eventually finish breakfast and put throw the trays away. We go and sit on the couch, we wait for the girls to wake up. After about 20 minutes all the girls are up, and eating breakfast. Selena comes over to me and Amanda.

Selena:"Amanda can I sit on his lap?" She asks Amanda

Amanda:"Yeah I can move." She responds

Selena:"Thank you." Selena says

Amanda get off my lap, and Selena sits on it looking at me.

Selena:"So, you passed and now you don't have to leave." She says

Y/n:"I did, and I kept my promise."

Selena:"That you did. When will we have sex?" She asks

Y/n:"Tomorrow." I answer

There is suddenly a knock on the door.

Y/n:"I'll get it." I say

Selena gets up and I stand up. I then start walking to the door. I open the door to see a female lynx.

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