I am back with another story part for this, since ily all so much.
Book 1:
Killua, a very well known assasin. You get to be friends with him. He seems alright, but there was something off about him and it put you in danger.
Book 2:
Getting harrasse...
As you were getting cuddled by Killua, you were being very warm in his arms. You thought that everything will be okay. If you got out of there. You already planned how to get out. All you need to do is wait for him to leave.
"Killua, I think I might stay."
"You will?!" Killua hug you tighter.
"Yes. In one condition."
"Let me walk around the house."
"Sure... but you better keep your promise. If you don't, Ill punish you."
"I know... I just want some freedom."
"If you want to, I can allow you to go to the city."
"What? You'll allow me to do that!?"
"Yeah, anything for my kitty."
"Th-thank you..."
This plan will be easy to do, after all.
You thought.
"Can I go now, then?"
"Yes, but I'll have to go with you."
"It's okay. I won't do anything fishy."
"I trust you, kitty."
You and Killua are now trying to gain each other's trust. You stand up and change your clothes to a dress that Killua bought you.
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You run to the bathroom.
"Hmm, this dress is actually not bad." You thought.
You put on the dress, and tied your hair into (your fave hairstyle). You walk out of the bathroom and you see Killua without a shirt on. He turns around.
"Like what you see, kitty?"
You look at his abnormally hot body, and blush a little.
"Fuck no." You said while turning around.
"Haha, stop pretending, kitty. You might end up believeing your lies."
"Fucker its not a lie, there's no way I'm turned on by your... a-abs."
"You're easy to read, kitty. Now, do you wanna touch it?"
"No you fucking pervert-"
"Aw, come on. One poke?"
"I said no, now leave me alone."
"Okay, I won't take you to the mall then."
"No wait I was joking fucking idiot. *sigh* Just one poke?"
"Fine hoe."
"You poke his body and suddenly he grabs your arm, and his other one at the back of your head. He kissed you and you pulled away.
"Bitch what the fuck"
"Haha, tricked you, kitty."
"I'll haha your fucking ass to space"
"Aw. little kitten here is mad?"
"Pfft. I'll wear my clothes now so that we can go. I'll buy you anything you want okay?"
"Yeah yeah." (sINgING cHAlLEnGe)
If I get followers i'll probably start making videos on my yt channel okay anyways bye ly aLl <3