Untitled Part 1

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His captivating cyan eyes called to Midoriya, their encounter was pure chance, out of the blue, on the deserted streets of Japan at 3 in the morning.
"This is the hour in which spirits come out to play." Midoriya thought aloud as, the tall black haired male approached, he almost floated, his graceful movements stunning Midoriya, keeping him bound to the sidewalk.
Dabi, the villainous creature wore a callous smirk plastered on his scarred, pierced face. He lit a tame blue flame with the palm of his hand, drenching it's nearby surroundings in it's dismal hue.
The intimidating look on Dabi's face chilled him to the bones. Midoriya's legs wouldn't budge, no matter how much his mind was screaming at them to run away.
Instead, he relaxed his entire body taking a few steps forwards. Dabi's lips stretched farther across his mutilated face.
"What brings you out here, boy?" Dabi's raspy voice was calm & almost inviting, it was hard to believe that this man was a cold hearted villain, who had probably in that moment forgotten Midoriya was a Hero seeing as, Izuku was dressed in all black casual clothing with his hood covering his unruly green hair. He was coming back from a quick late night run to the liquor store for soda and potato chips, with zero intention of being wrangled into a fight, he wanted to keep the peace and Dabi had yet to commit any crimes. Midoriya had to come off as nonchalant and relaxed as possible despite his heart threatening to jump out of his chest with Dabi extinguishing the flame and standing right before him, their height difference apparent.
"I-uh got hungry." He lifted the plastic bag with his recently purchased items hardly weighting it down. It wasn't often that Midoriya ate junk food ,but every once in a while he caved into his cravings. "And you?" The question had been lingering in his mind, just his usual curiousty, questioning everything, especially why this man didn't smell like dead bodies ,but rather fresh red roses stolen from the cemetery. A rumbling from his stomach interrupted their conversation, "sorry.." lucky for him, the night hid his blushing face, how embarrassing.
He could've sworn he heard a faint chuckle eminate from Dabi's throat, snapping his attention back at him. 

"I also came here for a late night snack and to get away from my annoying group of friends who've been up all night playing board games." Dabi pointed at a mark above his eye where a small cut sat, "Toga threw the board at me.. it gets pretty intense."
Midoriya gazed up in astonishment, villains play board games? And they have late night snack cravings too? Guess they weren't so alien. Dabi also appeared plain in his casual dark clothing, ripped skinny jeans and a worn out band tee, his black hair a mess. There was an air of comfort between the two as, Midoriya shot him a smile filled with sympathy, but he felt he was crossing a forbidden imaginary line, they shouldn't be intermingling, "Well, I'll leave you be." Midoriya walked past him when suddenly a grip tightened around his wrist, nearly frightening him half to death, had he been caught?
"Let me treat you to dinner." Midoriya's heart suddenly stopped beating, was he being serious? Midoriya spun back around on his heel once again being faced with one of his supposed enemies. He couldn't agree or his identity would most definitely be compromised if Dabi got a closer look under better lighting. 
"N-no thanks. I'm good."
Still Dabi persisted, "Come on, Midoriya, I won't bite... unless you want me too"
Midoriya was flattered by the offer and a bit disturbed by his last comment ,but he couldn't until he realized something.
"Wait! You know who I am!??" Midoriya shouted out, his voice ricocheted off the buildings on the street.
Midoriya quickly got into his fighting stance, his balled fists held up before him, Dabi placed his own hands over Midoriya's fists, lowering them down. 

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