I. Iruma, Ryūko, and Isabelle from Demon School 🏫

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(A/N: Picture above is Isabelle's first casual outfit.)


In front of a mansion stood a cloaked figure, along with two suitcases full of clothes and other essentials. The figure removed its hood to reveal a girl with platinum blonde hair partially tied in pigtails with the rest worn down, blue eyes with black round pupils, pointy ears, and horns that change from azure blue to sky blue. This girl is a cambion named Isabelle Abaddon.

Isabelle Abaddon, 14 years old. This girl may look like your average demon but clearly, you can see that she is a cambion. You heard me. She's born from a demon mother and a human father. However, being born from 2 different species doesn't mean she has the best of both worlds. All her life, Isabelle is often bombarded with insults, mockery, and prejudice. She was feared by humans and looked down on by demons. Lately, she just moved to this mansion to escape from all this.

"This is it." Isabelle muttered to herself, "Your first step to a fresh start in life."

She then rang the doorbell and was greeted by a young man (or woman?) with red hair styled like a cat's head and a black cat's tail. They appear to be wearing a suit fit for a butler, which is, in fact, their job.

"Ah, you must be Miss Isabelle Abaddon." said the butler as Isabelle nodded, "My name is Opera and I welcome you to Master Sullivan's mansion."

Isabelle and Opera entered the mansion, the latter seeing that everything inside seems to be in pristine condition.

"Pardon me that Master Sullivan isn't here today. He's busy with something important." Said Opera as they carried one of Isabelle's suitcases.

"Why?" Asked Isabelle, "Did something terrible happen lately?"

"More or less. Anyway, here's your bedroom, Miss Isabelle."

They opened the door to show a Victorian-style bedroom, just for her.

As she settled in her bedroom, Isabelle placed all of her clothes in the closets and the toiletries in the bathroom

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As she settled in her bedroom, Isabelle placed all of her clothes in the closets and the toiletries in the bathroom. With much time to spare, she decided to lounge around the bedroom, admiring the outside through the bay window. An hour later, she headed to the dining room for a light snack when Opera showed up.

"Miss Isabelle." they said, "Master Sullivan is finally here. And he has brought someone around your age, two someones to be exact."

"Really?" Isabelle seemed to be intrigued by those two someones.

"Yes. They're in the guest room. You need to see them."

Both of them head to Sullivan's room to see the Demon Lord himself kneeling before... two humans. Isabelle couldn't believe it! One of these humans is a girl with long, wavy admiral blue hair with spiky forelocks and bangs covering her forehead, one blue eye, and one red eye. The other one is a boy who has blue hair but with a lighter shade than that of the human girl, and blue eyes. Both of them appear to be wearing bibs around their necks.

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