II. Familiars Summoned 🐍 🦁 🐥 🐈 🐺

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Kalego Naberius, a prestigious teacher of Babylus, is preparing for the familiar summoning event at school.

"So today, we perform the ritual for new students to summon their familiars." He said in front of his mirror, "You'd better be prepared, Isabelle, Ryūko, and Iruma."

With those last words, his mirror somehow breaks as a cat meowed from his window.


~Dream (Isabelle)~

Isabelle is inside the ballroom of her mansion home, watching as many humans and demons eating the food served at the buffet, talking with each other, and listening to music to their hearts' content

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Isabelle is inside the ballroom of her mansion home, watching as many humans and demons eating the food served at the buffet, talking with each other, and listening to music to their hearts' content.

"You outdid yourself, Isabelle." A human socialite said as he approached the cambion.

"Thank you, sir." Isabelle said before her mother, Kattrin, arrived.

"Okay, Isa, I've just been discussing some new reforms to the tax code and #$%* *%&&# !@*^

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"Okay, Isa, I've just been discussing some new reforms to the tax code and #$%* *%&&# !@*^."

Isabelle blinked and looked at her mother. Huh?

"Uh, Mom, I think I must be sleepy or something. What was that last part?"

Kattrin rolled her eyes but started again.

"I said %*#( !@&&* )(8$. Okay?"

Seeing the confusion on her daughter's face, Kattrin gave an irritated sigh.

"Look, it's all on that scroll in front of you, just give it a quick look over, we need to get started here."

Sensing her mother's irritation growing, Isa hurried to comply. She quickly broke the binding on the scroll and unrolled it, only to stall.

'&$#% **^! ~)*&^^% ^#*&@((@ (9366#*^%'

The whole thing was just gibberish, just symbols and numbers randomly written all over the thing. She looked up at her mom helplessly, hoping to see mirth on her face and a chuckle at the joke she just pulled. Instead, she just looked extremely annoyed that Isabelle still had no idea what was going on. She raised her hands to her temples and gave them a rub, gritting her eyes closed in frustration.

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