🌈Chapter 17🌈 Final❤

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       🌝 MRS MORRIS' POV 🌝

We walked to the next bus stop hurriedly expecting another bus and luckily for us a bus dropped by.

We stopped it and entered it, we didn't even ask where it was going. We needed to leave that place as soon as possible.

Only 5 people where in the bus, so Tom, Katharina and I sat at the back of the bus. Katharina kept grizzling beside me.

"Katharina that is enough, they all deserved it." Tom said hugging her.

"I know but I can't just stop crying." She said cleaning her eyes.

"All our problems are solved now Katharina, you should be happy. Starting a new life with Your best friend and I in a new country." I said smiling.

"I know but Tom have you really forgiven me? I have kept so many things from you and I know I shouldn't because you saw me as your best friend." She said sadly.

"I understand everything Katharina, and I am happy you aren't a boy." He said giggling.

"Yeah, I am glad I can express my feelings finally." She replied smiling.

"So where should we go?" I asked.

"San Fransisco! I love that place." Katharina said happily.

"So be it then. San Fransisco here we come!" I yelled happily.

I looked at Tom and I saw sadness on his face.

"Tom I am sorry for dragging you into this mess." I said sadly.

"No ma'am, its okay. It just that I will miss everything here." He said smiling.

"You can come back here on a visit but please don't leave me." Katharina said holding his hands.

"Katharina I will never leave you. I love you so much." He said and I saw Katharina blush under the bus light.

"Okay guys you make me miss my husband." I said grinning.

"Okay we will stop." She said resting her head on his shoulders as the bus kept moving.

         🍑 BOBBY'S POV 🍑

   ....... IN SAN FRANSISCO.....

"WOW, this place is so beautiful." I said as we walked into the new house we bought.

"Yes Katharina. And that is why I got this." Mother replied happily.

"It is highly decorated with flowers and I love flowers." Tom said as we walked into the living room.


I looked around the living room, it had glassy walls and a very beautiful chandelier.

"Mother how did you find this house?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"I know how to do my things." She replied grinning.

"Hmm can't wait to see my room." I said happily.

"And I can't wait to have mine close to yours." Tom said making me blush.

"The choice is yours people, I will check out the kitchen." She said walking away.

"Let's go check them out." Tom said holding my hand. I smiled as we both walked to the room examining everyone.

"Wow, I prefer this to all. I can see the flowers very well." I said rolling in the room.

"I love it too, but since you like it I will take the second one." Tom replied.

"We can see the flowers anytime together." I said walking to him.

"If you let me." He said wrapping his hands around my waist.

"You know I love this. You and I in the same house, we will he attending the same school, seeing each other everyday. What else can I ask for?" I said wrapping my hands around his neck.

"This is the best moment of my life. I never thought I would be able to see my best friend Bob as a girl." He said smiling.

I smiled looking at his lips.

"I have been craving to kiss you for a very long time, but I couldn't because I was still pretending then." I said still staring at his lips.

"You know how much I wanted that too, to the extent of kissing you when I thought you were still a boy." He said brushing his fingers over my lips.

"I love you Tom." I whispered.

"I love you too." He replied placing his lips on mine.


And they lived happily ever after👼👼👼.

        👼 THE END 👼

     💞 AUTHOR'S POV 💞

I give all thanks to God for the success of this story🙏. He had been the one behind all my writings and inspirations.

Thanks to those who also stood by me till the end, I love you guys so much🙏😍.


1. Never hunt anyone's life because of what he or she owes you. Always know if that if that person doesn't pay you, God will always repay your good works.

📍 Drug lord was so blinded by the love of money to the extent of killing his own son.

The Bible says the root of money is evil. This passage is equivalent to what happened to Drug Lord, and at the end he was killed shamefully.

📍 Keep doing good and God will help you😍.

Thank you all💋

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