All alone

371 7 2

Y/n pov

The next day we had a day off so when I woke up I got in the shower and got dressed and did my hair and makeup



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After that I went downstairs and made everyone breakfast and woke them up and we all ate and talked

Y/m/n: hija, hoy voy a llevar a todos a buscar una casa más grande(daughter today I am taking everyone to go look for a bigger house)

Y/n: ok mama

Y/m/n:but you need to stay here with Mattia and watch the house

I look up at Mattia and smirk at him the continued to talk to my mom

Y/n:ok we got you

Y/m/n: ok now everyone get to the car

Then they all leave now leaving me and Mattia all alone....

What is gonna happen now...😏

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