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A/n: None of this will make sense unless you've read Wrong Number first.

Mineta stared at the note in his hand. It's been a couple of years since he graduated UA, and he just got this letter from the only person he could really call his best friend.

One in Japan, and the other studying in America.

Dear Minoru Mineta,

It's been a few weeks since we've been able to talk. I should have wrote or called you sooner. I would love to invite you to came visit Lemon and I. For we are getting married in a few months. I would love for you to be my best man. You can bring a plus one.


Tokoyami, Fumikage

Mineta wanted to do so many things at once. Smile, cry, or maybe even punch something. So many emotions flew through him. "Hey Minoru!" He turned around and regretted it. He pulled down on his dark purple beanie wishing he could just disappear.

"Hey, Jackson." He mumbled as he looked at the taller male. "What's up?"

"Nothin'." The male shrugged as he grabbed something off of the dorms bulletin board. Yeah Mineta went off to college in America as Tokoyami became a hero. Mineta just figured he would not be a good hero, so why not study do something that will also help lives?

Nah he'd rather do photography.

He changed since high school. For some reason he didn't talk to many people and he wasn't much of a pervert as before. He decided sometime after graduating high school to pick his words more carefully.

"Yo, M&M?" Jackson waved his hand infront of Mineta. "Dude you okay? You were totally spacing out man."

"Huh? Sorry." Mineta whispered. Someone please butt in so he could leave.

"Jackson!" A shrill voice was heard from down the hall. A girl with mint green hair was glaring at the male infront of Mineta.

"Oh Roxanne!" Jackson walked to the girl, and Mineta tailed it out of there to his dorm room. He should have just opened the letter there instead of the hallway. He absolutely disliked Jackson.

Once he reached his room he plopped down at his desk. "Fuck." He mumbled.

"No thanks, not gay." He heard his roommate chuckle. He looked behind him seeing a guy with glasses and mint green hair. Marc Danes, aka the only guy at this school who Mineta could actually talk to.

"Marc." Mineta pointed at Marc's side of the dorm. On the ceiling, right above Marc's bed, was a pansexual pride flag.

Marc looked up before looking back at Mineta. "So? Again, not gay. I'm pan."

Mineta shook his eyes before looking at his letter. "Hey, Marc?"

"Yeah, dumbass?"

"Wanna go to Japan?" Mineta looked at his friend/roommate. Marc's eyes were shining brightly. "I'll take that as a yes?"

Two days later both boys stood at the airport with Marc flipping his twin sister off. "Laterz Roxanne!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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