<---{They Made Me Do It}--->

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<---{They Made Me Do It}--->

The bald man looked at me as if I were crazy. I could read every emotion that came across his face. It satisfied me that he was terrified of me. The confidence that I possessed had risen to a higher level.

"Do you need me to tell you anything else?" I asked sweetly.

He frowned as he placed a picture in front of me.I smiled as I stared at my families portrait. We all had bright cheery smiles on our face.

'Look at them their all so happy. 'The voices whispered in unison. The voices were happy too and so was I.

"What's wrong with that picture?" The man asked angrily as he slammed his hands on the desk. Did he possible think I was afraid of him?

I frowned, "Theirs nothing wrong with their faces. Can't you see their smiles?" I asked, he was confusing me.

He narrowed his eyes at me "You knitted their mouths into a smile. After you killed them" He stood up and leaned in towards me. "No you brutally murdered them even your three year old brother." He yelled, letting spit fly from his mouth.

I wiped my face and smiled at him "You seem upset? I know how to make you happy." I said, as I tilted my head to the side and smirked at him.

He sighed and sat back down in his seat. "You're being charged with three counts of third degree murder." He said trying to mask his hate towards me. His voice was shaking with every word he spoke. I knew he was terrified of me.

"Were going to make you happy now." I spoke in that demanding demonic voice of Natas.I could tell that the man was frightened, by the look in his eyes.

He starred at me as the lights started flickering. I could hear his heart beat quicken as he walked over towards the door. He pulled on the door knob, then start banging on the door when it wouldn't open. "Somebody let me out." He screamed.

"Don't worry you'll be happy soon." I said as I brought the knife down on him.

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