Who fell in love with you as soon as they saw you?

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(some are repeated I think)

(some are repeated I think)

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aries: kanato, ruki, shin

gemini: kino, reiji, azusa

taurus: laito, kou, shin

virgo: laito, shin, yuma

cancer: ruki, reiji, carla

leo: yuma, shu, carla

scorpio: subaru, ruki, shin

libra: kou, subaru, ayato

sagittarius: azusa, kanato, reiji

pisces: carla, shin, kino

capricorn: kou, subaru, laito

aquarium: kanato, ruki, kino

Well I hope you liked this chapter vote if you like this zodiac and leave your ideas for the next chapter

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Well I hope you liked this chapter vote if you like this zodiac and leave your ideas for the next chapter.bye bye⭐atte: 3va_ayal4

👑Diabolik lovers zodiac👑■ United States of America edition ■Where stories live. Discover now