Chapter 3

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Tetsurou's Pov:

I wake up to the sun hitting me directly in the face through the window. I look over at y/n. She's still asleep with the covers off her, I scan over her body and she looks absolutely gorgeous, her 4 month baby bump makes her 10 times more beautiful. I slowly move towards her trying not to wake her up, I scoot down to be at eye level with her tummy.

"Good Morning guys... you know your mommy and I love you guys so much already and I can't wait to meet the two of you and be good for your mommy" I give y/n's stomach 2 pecks one for each twin. I scoot back up towards y/n's face pulling her close. She snuggles into my chest and loops her leg around mine. I look at the clock. It's 8:30. I rub up and down y/n's back slowly waking her up.

"Good Morning y/n"

"Mm Morning Tetsurou" She says groggily into my chest.

" Are you ready for your appointment its in 2 hours"

y/n sighs trying to get up but fails due to the twins.

"Oh my god that was the most embarrassing thing ever" She shouts throwing a pillow over her face.

"Oh kitten don't worry it's just you and I.... and the twins." I tell, her placing a hand on the swell of her tummy.

" still it's embarrassing!" She says with her voice cracking and trying to wipe the tears building in her eyes.

" Oh kitten please don't cry, it's not a bad thing, it's good that means they are growing" I say pulling her into a tight embrace, petting her hair.

"Yeah I'm sorry my emotions are all over the place" y/n says hugging me tighter.

"y/n it's ok I've been doing some research it's completely normal" I say tilting her chin up to meet my eyes and wiping her tears with my thumbs.

" ok ok I have to get ready for the appointment I'm going to shower just... please help me up"

"Of course" I get out of the bed and walk to the other side of the bed, I grab her soft small hands and gently pull her to her feet. Once she's on her feet she let out a deep sigh and cradled her bump.

"Are you ok" I ask her, concerned by the deep sigh she made.

"Yeah I just feel... big and bloated" She looked down at her stomach.

I put my hand on her protruding midsection trying to comfort her to the best of my abilities.

" you are beautiful... now let's get you in the shower" She nods and I lead her to the shower. I help her strip of her clothes and turn the hot water on.

"If you need anything just call for me"

"Ok thanks Tetsurou" I nod and smile, walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where I start making french toast and eggs.

My Pov:

In my bra and black leggings, I look for a shirt that actually fits over my midsection, none of my shirts cover my stomach completely. Thinking of a solution I grab one of Tetsurou's shirts and it has a volleyball on it with my black leggings. The only thing that fits, I sigh looking at myself in the mirror then I smell something delicious in the kitchen, as I walk the smell gets stronger and I get hungry. I get to the kitchen and find 2 plates with eggs and french toast.

" Tetsurou this smells so yummy, Thank you for the food!"

"Your welcome... and uh y/n?"


"Umm why are you wearing my shirt?"He asked, pointing to the shirt, his heart fluttering looking at how cute his significant other looks in his shirt.

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