Chapter 8 - Invites

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*The next morning*

After working again once she woke up from her nap yesterday, Jaeeun decides to have an early night in order to make sure that she is fully functioning the next day seeing as she has appointment after appointment in succession. She is in for a packed day that isn't work-based, one that she isn't used to. Jaelynn comes into her room at 8:30 am with a freshly brewed coffee and a light breakfast consisting of a fresh fruit salad and a couple of slices of toast. She sets her breakfast down on Jaeeun's vanity next to her bed, then gently shakes Jaeeun awake. "Jaeeun, wake up. It's 8:30 and I have breakfast for you" she says softly. Jaelynn then goes over to her curtains and opens them wide, letting the natural light from the sunlight up her room. Jaeeun groans at the bright light coming into her room. She realises that she will eventually have to wake up, so she stretches her limbs and then lies there in her bed for a couple of minutes. She then opens her eyes and slowly sits up in her bed with her back to the headboard.

"You're gonna have to get used to me not being a morning person," Jaeeun says to Jaelynn in her groggy morning voice. Jaelynn giggles at her lightly, "noted" Jaelynn says while resting the tray with breakfast on Jaeeun's lap. "I know you don't really like eating heavily in the morning, so I have brought you coffee, toast and a fruit salad" Jaelynn explains to her. Jaeeun nods and starts eating. Jaelynn perches on the edge of Jaeeun's bed, she opens her diary to recite the day that Jaeeun faces. "Okay, you are free this morning until about 3:30 pm and we have appointments at designer fashion boutiques until about 8 pm to find you the perfect outfit for Friday and a suit for Eli as well. I already took the liberty of finding a florist yesterday while you were napping, they will deliver the flower arrangements on Friday. And the invitations for your friends arrived this morning" Jaelynn explains and she hands her the invitations for her friends. Jaeeun nods while munching happily on her toast and takes the invitations from Jaelynn.

"Jaelynn, what instructions did you give the florist for the flower arrangements?" Jaeeun questions her. "I told them that they need to be simple, but with a pop of colour. Mainly white flowers will be used, but some arrangements will have a few red roses in the centre, just to makes it look interesting" Jaelynn explains. Jaeeun nods again, "would you be able to book a restaurant for me? I need to meet my friends there to give them invitations for Friday... I wanna meet them before our appointments start. 2 pm should give us more than plenty of time to get to our appointments on time" Jaeeun says to Jaelynn. Jaeeun tells her the name of the restaurant and Jaelynn leaves to book a private table for Jaeeun and her friends. Jaeeun finishes up eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee, she gets out of bed changes into some exercise shorts and an oversized t-shirt and goes to her office to do some work before she has to start getting ready to go and meet her friends.

*A couple of hours later*

Jaeeun sighs and leans back in her chair, after constantly checking her emails and replying to them. After looking carefully at all the paperwork that she had been emailed, she finally gives herself a break. Jaelynn then knocks on her door and comes in, "do you want anything to eat Jaeeun? I can ask the chef to make you something..." Jaelynn offers. Jaeeun shakes her head, "I'm good thank you Jaelynn, maybe just a coffee? I'm going to be eating soon, so I don't want to ruin my appetite before that" Jaeeun replies. Jaelynn nods, "I have the restaurant booked for 2 pm with a private dining," Jaelynn says. Jaeeun nods, "thank you" she replies. Jaelynn goes off to make Jaeeun a coffee. Jaeeun looks at the time on her computer and decides that it's time for her to get ready, but she needs to ring her besties to let them know that she is seeing them today.

Jaeeun rings Jade, Ryan, Jasmine and Johana on a group facetime. And they all pick up, a chorus of 'heys' and 'how are you's' go around the group. "Guys, can you all meet me at the restaurant, please? There's something that I need to discuss with you all..." Jaeeun says. "Yeah sure, what time?" Ryan asks. "I have the booking for 2 PM" Jaeeun replies. Again a chorus of 'ok's' and 'I can make it' is made from the group. "Okay, thank you. I just don't know who else to talk to this about... I certainly can't talk to Eli about this... And you can't talk to anyone about this... Apart from your husbands because they know what is going on, but no one else okay?" Jaeeun explains. "Yes Jaeeun, we know," Jasmine says. "Okay, see you guys soon," Jaeeun says. "What restaurant is it?" Johana asks. "Our restaurant, the same spot we have been meeting up with each other every single time one of us has problems, that restaurant," Jaeeun says. "Ohh... Okay, I'll be there" Johana replies. "Okay, see you guys soon," Jaeeun says. And with a chorus of 'goodbyes' from her friends she hangs up the phone.

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