text messages between mattia and alvaro
wtf alvaroalvaro:
wtf what?mattia:
why would u say that to claudia
asshole 🙄alvaro:
she showed you
the last text
messages between
me and her?mattia:
it's the truth.mattia:
no it's not so stfualvaro:
i don't have to stfu and plus
i don't even think
you should be dating her...mattia:
aw is someone mad? 🥺alvaro:
im not mad 🙄mattia:
the way you're texting me
it looks like u are lmaoalvaro:
again im not
mad assholemattia:
there's a
surprise for
you two tomorrowmattia:
what surprise?
readauthors note: drama between mattia and alvaro? yes.