Surving Sexual Assault

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*Thank you for reading this story. I will add onto it in the future but for now this is the short story. I wanted to write something real that had more emotion into it. This story is true and I do have permission from the girl that it happened to to let me post it here. Names have been changed to keep their real identity's a secret.*

Let me give you a little bit of advice, It's rude to stare at people.  How many times have you heard that?  I know I've heard it plenty of times, yet here I am staring at someone.  Let's start this story off with me ignoring this advice. 
I bet if I stare hard enough, I can cause a fire to break out right on his shiny blond hair.  Well, I shouldn't say stare, more like I've been glaring at the back of his head for five minutes now.  My glare brakes when someone bumps into me almost causing me to fall flat on my face.  They mumble a sorry and continue on their way.  I take one more glance at blondies retreating figure and walk away.  You're probably wondering who I'm glaring at, well let me tell you.  His name is Graycen, Gracyen Smith. Such a cliche name.  There's many reasons why I'm glaring at him.  One he's rude, two he's cocky, three he's popular, and four he did something to me that I will never forgive him for.  Just thinking about it makes my eyes water.  I blink a few times to get them to go away.   I can't cry in the middle of the hallway, that'd be embarrassing.

I walk down the now empty hallway of Payson High.  The bell rang a few minutes ago but I don't have the courage to walk into class.  It's the one class I shared with him and I would rather get detention for sluffing then to sit next to him. I walk into the bathroom wiping my eyes and blowing my nose.  I splash some water on my face and watch the water drip off.  My golden brown hair is put up in a lazy messy bun.  My eyes are red from crying and my cheeks are flushed. I fix my over sized t-shirt and wipe the imaginary dust off my blue jeans.  I take a deep breath and smile at myself.  My pearly white teeth shine in the poorly lit bathroom. I walk out and into my class.  I wish I could sit anywhere besides next to him but I had no choice.  You're probably asking yourself why I don't just ask the teacher to change seats and I would but I don't want to cause a scene.  I'd rather wait out the next few weeks until the next semester for my classes to change. 
I grab my guitar, because It's guitar class, and sit down next to Graycen.  I may seem all tough behind his back but up close I melt down.  Just being so close to him makes me want to cry in the shower.  An odd place to cry but It's very soothing.  Don't hate on it until you try it.

I sit a chair away from him, giving me enough room to set my guitar across my lap. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he's looking at me. Nate, mine and Grayson's friend, starts talking to us. I decide to ignore him, mainly because he's on the other side of Grayson and because everyone is playing their guitar so I can't really hear anything. Before everything happened, Graycen and Nate would pick on me for not being able to hear them.  They would talk about how deaf I was and laugh when I asked them what they were saying.  I know that's considered bullying but I didn't want to say anything because they were my only friends in the class.  Plus I don't even think they'd care.

I flinch when I feel someone tap my leg. I look up and see Grayson looking at me with pleading eyes. My chest starts to tighten up and my heart races. Oh dear, I'm having a panic attack. I squeeze my eyes shut and count to ten while trying to slow my breathing. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Slowly my heart stops racing and my chest stops tightening and my breathing goes back to normal. I look at Grayson to see concern all over his face. If only he cared about how I was feeling that day.

I glare at him as a tear rolls down my face. "What do you need?" My voice cracks as I'm on the verge of crying. "Nate asked what you did over the weekend." He says quietly. I look at Nate and give him my warmest smile. "I had an amazing weekend at Sadies with my boyfriend." I look back at my music sheet and start on our warmups as I wipe my tears away and clear my throat.

Surviving Sexual Assault (based on a true story)Where stories live. Discover now