He lefted up my shrit and looked at the redness on me."how did this happen dark?"I asked. He looked up at me and pointed at his brother."you step in front of drean and a tree was cut down and it fell right on you"dark explain.he put his finger down and and put my shrit down.
Then I started wezing because of how many ribs I have broken.I started clinching my chest.I could breathe and I reach for something steady I looked up at them."I can't breathe"I told them then I fell.
My brother ran over to me and try to wake me up.but it didn't work I was still out.Alex looked at them and back at me."juonior wake up!if you don't wake up I'll kill you!"he yelled.dark picked me up and carry me up to the house.
night fall
Randomit's about these two boys get into a fight. and one of them doesn't survive . read to find out what happens.