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'I just want to make my wrongs right'.


Deep within a Forest stood two people a blonde woman and an asian man along with two other people. A woman with pigtails who was holding a large blue cristal. While the other man was holding a crown with several jules implted in spaces within the crown. They  all seemed to be waiting for someone.....

Suddenly a man with a comes into the area with a big suitcase in tow. His name is Joey Graceffa and the reason that he is here and doing this is because he wants to make the wrongs that he did right.

The brown haired man that was holding the crown of oblivion was there to help Joey rescue his friends and his name is Matthew Patrick or Matpat as he is known on youtube. Matpat wants to save his 'sister from another mr' Rosanna Pansino or Ro.

The woman with pigtails and who was holding the blue crystal, was also there to help Joey on his mission to save his friends. And her name is Nikita and she's got quite the attitude.

(Time skip because I am a little lazy)

So this is not the type of rescue mission that Joey thought it would be... First off Nikita thought that it would be a good idea to bring someone along and his name his Bretmen (he reminds Joey of manny with the way he talks and acts). Anyways both Joey and Bretmen had to get passed the Collector and a Gorgon but luckily for them both the Collector and the Gorgon were leaving for the time being.

After Joey and Bretmen had to get passed the Collector's  guards  (Bretmen thought that the guards were hot). After a while both Joey and Bretmen made it to a collection of glass cages. And inside each of the glass cages was one of Joey's friends. Joey looked at each of the cages recognising each of them. 

Matt haag who was not in 'the professor' outfit that Joey had seen him in at Joey's first of many death party's. Matt's new outfit consisted of a dark blue vest/trench coat with a white under shirt, a red and gold bowtie and black pants with black  shoes and on Matt's hands were white gloves. And at Matt's feet on the glass case was gold letters that read as 'The Duke'

Joey looked at all of his other friends in there glass cases.

Timothy Goletto as 'The Con Man'

Shane Dawson as 'The Undercover Spy'

Justine Ezarik as 'The Grave Digger'

Lele Pons as 'The Fashionista'

Alex Wassabi as 'The Aviator'

Destorm Power as 'The Enforcer'

Gabby Hannah as 'The Hollywood Star'

Roi Fabio as 'The Adventurer'

Rosanna Pansino as 'The Socialite'

Colleen Bagenger as 'The Duchess'

All of them are seemingly frozen in different poses, as Joey and Bretmen stare in shock. Joey finally decides to speak up "How do we get them out of these?" Asks Joey looking at Bretmen. "Sis... I don't know.."

Joey takes notice of the crystal in the center of the glass cases and decides that maybe distroying it may just let his friends free. Taking what looked like a cross between a battle ax and a pick ax. Joey distroyed the glowing crystal which sent out a shock wave of energy...

Then one by one the glass cases that his friends were in were sattering.

Matt used both of his arms to protect himself from the shattering glass around him.

Timothy  lightly shook himself being carful to not axedently cut himself on the shards of glass.

Justine let out a high pitched screem as the glass on her container shattered to thousands of peces.

Shane seemed to flinch at the shattering glass and was able to not get cut up by the glass.

Lele Pons used her arms to protect herself like Matt did but with the feathery sleeves on her outfit.

Alex slightly stumbled on the pedistal he was standing on but was able to keep himself from falling forward.

Destorm used one arm to sheald his face from the glass that was around him.

Gabby had flinched and hid under the long sleeves of her dress.

Roi wasn't as lucky as Alex was and the former 'Daredevil' fell off of the pedistal face first, surprisingly without getting cut by the glass.

Rosanna looked around in bewilderment as she and some of the people that she recognizes are 'Alive' again.

Colleen had a scared and confused look on her face as she stumbled forward a little bit.


After a few seconds of absolute silence. Joey ran up to Colleen and hugged her tightly whispering 'Im sorry' repeatedly. As Colleen had a look of shock that switched to confusion then to anger. As the last thing that Colleen knew was getting pushed into an iorn maden by the people who she thought where her 'friends'.

Next chapter we'll have some touching reunions and some old rivalry's that are rekindled. And all heck brakes loose.
So see you next time.

And sorry for any spelling errors you can tell me where they are and I'll edit it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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