chapter one

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Chapter one:
Katlyn’s POV:
I get home from work exhausted and tired of dealing with people and just wanting to take a shower, and go see my friends Declan, Hunter, and Shiane. My brother walks into my room as I am taking off my shirt. I glare at him. “Yo there’s this thing called knocking you should try it some time.” I said annoyed. He rolls his eyes as he lays on my bed. “Sorry but what are you about todo.” Joey asked. “I’m about to hope in the shower and go see my friends, why?” “Mom is getting on my nerves and I wanna get the fuck out of this damn house, do think I come chill with you?” he asked. “Sure, but Jamie can’t come he gets on my damn nerves.”
Shi texts me saying that her and Hendricks family is down stairs. I groan not wanting to deal with more people but tell joey to get up and we must head down stair as I throw on a band shirt cursing in Italian. As we walk down stairs I hear dad talking which I stop so I can Eavesdrop. “That sounds like a good idea. We all need a break, especially Katlyn she had a hard year as it is.” I walk in before they could talk behind my back even more which I hated because they didn’t have to talk bout the past like I’m a fragile soul. I got my heart broken and didn’t get in to my dream school big whoop.  “Hey guys my sis said y’all wanted to see us.” I said kinda annoyed that I am not in the shower. “Hey baby girl, we wanted to let you know that we are taking a month vacation to Florida all four families.”
“Um did you talk to my manger I’m her best employee she isn’t going to just let me go for that long.” I said curiously. “Yeah we talked to her and she said that you needed the break since you are always at work and she is the one that is making you take two months leave so you can have a well-rested break. “My dad said. I sigh so month in Florida and one month off doing nothing. I thought like I know its been rough and I threw myself into my work to forget the pain of the heartache but like two whole months, like really?
“when do we leave?” I asked. We leave in three days, so you better get packed soon and we are flying so you better grab stuff todo on the plane. “Hunter’s mom said as they were leaving. I looked up at my friends and looked up stairs to single them to go to my room but gave a look at Dec that say no fucking in my room. We walk into my room and me and Shiane get excited and start squealing as the boys cover their ears as we go into girl mode. “So, I’m going to go grab a quick shower than we can hit the mall to get new clothes for the trip so good guys?” I asked heading to my bathroom. They all nodded, and my eyes lingered more on Hunter as my cheeks get a little red. I shake my head and I take a quick shower. I dry my hair and start throwing on black skinny jeans and shirt that says My vampire boyfriend loves me. I throw my vans on and put on light makeup and walk out falling into Hunters lap. “So, when do yall wanna leave?” I asked as Hunter is rolling his eyes to me, while I was using him as chair since high school.
So, we all get ready to go and my brother Joey comes in with blue jeans and a black t-shirt wearing his black Jordan’s. “you guys ready I need new shit for vacay.” Joey said as he plops on to my lap. “Yo really bro you ass is heavy get the hell off of me.”  Joey get off me and I get off Hunter apologizing for Joey.
We all get in the cars that we came in as joey hops in my car and plugs in the phone and starts play usher “yeah”. I turn up the music and Declan, Hunter, and I decide to race to the mall. Joey and I are dancing and racing and having a blast in the car just like old times. I loved spending time with Joey because he’s like my best friend and a good brother. He was always there for me and I am there for him. We are like twins except Joey is my step brother and not my biological brother. Unfortunately, Hunter wins the race and I’m pouting because I wanted to win but Hendrick found a short cut and was already at the mall I came in second place and Declan was last.
“Whose ready to get their shopping on”. Says Shi. I laugh at my best friend and jumps on Joey’s back. “Yo, get the fuck off me your heave.” Joey says groaning. I hop off his back and start walking on my own. “I am game girl let go make people jealous.” I say as we head to stores. We stayed at the mall for about two hours and we have clothes for everyday and for everything you can imagen on vacation. Shoes and accessories included.
I dropped of my brother and my bags then I got in Hunters car because I was staying at his house tonight and I texted my dad telling that I wasn’t coming home tonight. As we were driving to Hunter he was quiet. “you ok” I asked him looking at him as he drove to his house. “Yeah I’m good.” He said not taking his eyes off the road. I could tell that something was bothering him because I’ve known him since freshmen year of high school. we would skip, and he would tell me everything, but something things I just don’t push because I know he will tell me when he is ready. He was one of my best friends and a crush that I had since 9th grade. I look out the window dropping the conversion not wanting to upset him.
Once we got to his house his dog jumped on me and almost knocking me over. I smiled and started petting him. Hey puppers you wanna go for a walk later. He wagged his tail which I figured was a yes. I went to Hunter room and stole one of his shirt and grabbed a pair of sweat pants that I kept here. I threw them on and put my hair in a messy bun and wiping off the make-up that I had on while Hunter was in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and I give him a hug. “Sorry if I upseted you in the car.” I said because he was still wasn’t talking to me. He sighs and turns around and hugs me. “I am not upset with you.” He says and just walks into his room. I call Joey and try to figure this out if I could. Hunter and Joey were closer than I was. “Hey, Joe what’s up with Hunter? He won’t tell me anything.” I said. “don’t worry about him just leave him be he’s probably tired.” Joey said. I got of the phone and went in to his room and lay down. I was laying on my stomach and rested my head on my arms and wait for Hunter to get out of the shower. I fell asleep waiting for him and I felt someone pull a blanket on to me and turn off the light

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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