Chapter 10, Mermaid Lagoon II

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Damon's POV

I didn't sign up for this. But my tail does look legit, everyone else's is all colourful and shiny. I'm lucky enough to have gotten the colour black. "Damon how is this possible for us?" Dezi asks nervously.

"We drank the potion so it stopped our powers from working. It's these crazy things warlocks do that drive me nuts." I say frustratedly. 

"Tick tock guys, we don't have time, we need to go now!" Jess yells as we crawl into the water and start swimming straight down. I've only been underwater once and it was for a wedding, my cousin's daughter's wedding, never thought she'd want to marry a fish. Dezi and Alec look scared to hold their breath when they go down.

We're mermaids now, I don't think they realise that we can just dive in and breathe as normal. I grab Dezi's hand and she tenses up. I nod slowly and reassure her she's safe. She then grabs Alec's hand and we swim down together.

It's a deep way down, I'm surprised how well they are all taking this. I can tell by Jess's face she's waiting for this to be over. If Alec bought his badge or his camera they'd slice his head off.

"Are we almost there?" Jess says as she continues swimming ahead.

"Almost, but we need to go slow or they will attack." I reply back letting go of Dezi's hand.

~10 minutes of swimming later~

"This is so cool you guys, I can't believe this is real. If the press knew about this stuff it would be the best discovery in existence!" Alec said, trying to boost our excitement.

"Hey Alec you wanna know something else?" Dezi said enthusiastically. He nods.

"If the Press knew about our existence, our heads would be hanging on their office walls. How about that for a discovery?" She replies back.

"Jeez Dez, I didn't mean it as a bad thing."

"Of course you didn't, your human."

"Wait guys look! I see Light." Jess points as she starts swimming faster towards it.

"Jess, wait!" I try to warn her but more lights start flashing beneath us and we are swarmed with Merman guards. They grab hold of our tails with chains and they tie us up with coral chains and spray us with gas...and...i'm just... so......tired....


I slowly open my eyes feeling like they are glued shut, but I shake my head and see the others staring at me with tape on their mouth. Confused, I look around and see the one and only literal Queen of the Ocean. Queen Marylin of the Pacific Ocean and Lake Lagoon.

I look over at the others and bow down telling them to do the same with my eyes. How long have we been out for? And where are my rings! And Dezi's necklace and Jess's earrings? Did they take our belongings?

"That's enough. Always a pleasure to see you Damon, and I see you've brought fresh food! Care to explain?" As the Queen talked to us the guards removed our tape.

"Your highness lovely to be in your presence as beautiful as the ocean is your presence and smile is much more-

"Are you done trying to sweet talk me Damon? Or are you going to get straight to the point before I cut your throats out?" She interrupted. She is not smiling at all. Uhhh. Crap.

"Well I assume you got The warlock Jenna Doskonałość- Collins letter that we would like a favour and some assistance from you and your people." As I continue talking she is interested to see what we're looking for. She hasn't had many guests come unless you count thieves or the evil mermaid lagoon trying to assassinate the Queen. We just hope we can convince her to not kill us.

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