I got to go

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(this chapter will have a different ending)

Okuyasu's P.O.V.

Koichi looked at me then Josuke and said "well you two look comfortable there"

Josuke then said, "what do you mean Koichi?"

Koichi said giggling "I'm saying you guys look like a couple"

we both said "we're not though"

I look up at Josuke his face is red like almost like a tomato I decide to hug back, the Bell suddenly rang so we go to class

Josuke's P.O.V.

we get to class a bit late the teacher asks us "what were you guys doing to be this late?"

we both said "we couldn't find our books sorry for being late"

the teacher said "oh then take a seat"

we sit next to each other we get distracted and look at each other for a moment our gaze locked then I look away suddenly as the teacher said "oi focus on your work not each other!"

I then go back to work


Okuyasu's P.O.V.

it was near home time I and Josuke look at each other

then the bell rang we packed up and walked home together we hugged and my face warmed up a tiny bit not noticing we were near my house when I saw my brother death stare me from the window I started sweating, Josuke asked me "why are you, sweating dude"

I snapped out of it and said "it's nothing I got to go"

he looks confused, I headed inside my Brother approached me and said: "did you lie about not being gay to me?!"

tears filled my eyes but I held them back and said "no bro I didn't"

I then ran to my bedroom so I wouldn't be seen crying because my Brother would figure that I'm gay real quick because of my reaction Josuke was still there and he knocked on my door and my Brother answered it and I heard "what do you want?"

Josuke then asked, "can Okuyasu come to my house for a sleepover?"

he said "yeah sure whatever"

he knocked on my door and said "your friends here to get you for a sleepover at his house pack your things and go"

I listen and I pack my things

after that Josuke asked me if I was okay I said "to be honest no my brother is homophobic"

Josuke then said "I'm going to turn him around then I'm not letting him get away with this"

we then walk to my door and knock.

Josuke's P.O.V.

Keicho answers annoyed and said "yes? what do you want you should be heading out now!"

I then ask him "why do you think being gay is wrong?"

Keicho sighed and said "listen I just think it's gross"

I gasped at that and I said "and? it's just love like how a girl and a boy would but a boy and a boy there's nothing wrong with that"

Keicho had the look where he was like "oh...okay I guess I support it then"

Okuyasu then looked right at the ground and kicked at some dirt.

Keicho said to Okuyasu "hey...bro sorry...I'm sorry if I ever offended you or anything like that...and I mean that now from on I will support you even if you like boys"

Okuyasu said "thank you bro"

and we then left after Keicho said "no problem bro"

(that's all, for now, stay tuned!) (that's when he started saying gay rights)

can't help but go right back (rewrite) (JOSUYASU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now