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The sound of gravel being shifted under thousands of pounds from the bright red van caused an eerie silence to befall the old, nearly abandoned property of the Simons, as it rolled to a stop. Excited teenage voices filtered out of the car, as one of the teenage boys pressed his face against the cold window to peer at the house they arrived at. His maple colored eyes matched his brown short hair with a cute boyish look to him. However, the other teenager had messy dirty blonde hair that was untamed a wild, much alike to his personality, which showed as his blue eyes glinted mischievously.

            "Ohhhhh Tubbo, my boy, we're going to have so much fun here! No adults, no annoying kids, and no one to stop us doing whatever we want!" The blonde known was Tommy hyped his brunette friend up, who gave out a giggle like laugh. Tubbo turned away from the window to peer at is overly hyper friend, no, best friend, with a mirthful smile.

            "You boys better remember the rules I set for you-" Tommy's mother interjected before Tubbo could reply, "This house is really old and don't want to hear of you two breaking things. Bless your poor great uncle, first his wife leaves with the kids, then those poor two boys... The fire was such a tragic..." Tommy's mother trailed off sadly before snapping back to reality to finish her scolding. It was all things Tommy and Tubbo have heard a million times, as when it came to this pair chaos always ensued.

            "Hey Tommy, it was your grandma that was taking care of the house, right?" Tubbo questioned softly as he unbuckled his seatbelt to start grabbing his travel bags. The bright yellow and black stripes resembled a bumble bee, matching his cute vibe. Tommy reached out for his own bag; a simple cyan backpack stuffed to the brim with bunched up clothes.

            "Yeah, granny had this place fixed up after the fire. Something bout' it means too much to her brother to tear it down." Tommy opened his car door and stepped onto the gravel path, "Since granny is getting too old to take care of this place all on her own mum said we can look after it during our fall break. Which was a bloody brilliant idea!" Tubbo smirked at the blonde and murmured his goodbyes to Tommy's mother after she was done 'parenting' them some more. Once the red van was out of sight Tommy let out a loud cheer like yell. "LETS GOOOO!"

            "Yeah!" Tubbo cheered after Tommy, but he did not think Tommy quite realized yet that there was hardly a signal here. A bit slyly Tubbo followed his energetic friend into the semi-creepy house. It was not quite mansion like, but it did have two floors, four bedrooms, a basement, and an attic they have been told to stay out of. Apparently, the smell of smoke in there is bad still. Truthfully, Tubbo found it somewhat unnerving knowing three people died in this house. He really did love his best friend, but sometimes he wondered if he had any sense of danger. Tommy certainly did not seem to care about the stories of this place being haunted, and if anything was excited about it.

            Together the two boys entered the house and was greeted by a nearly empty hallway. Most of the furniture was lost during the fire, so the only parts that had much of anything was the kitchen and bedrooms. They explored the house together like two curious cats in a new home, sticking close to each other. Even though the house was 'fixed' up Tubbo noted that there was some floorboard missing on the second floor, but nowhere where they would be walking at least.

            "You sure your grandma was living here all by herself?" Tubbo asked apprehensively as he eyed a particularly large spider web. Tommy seemed to be having the same reaction and simply shrugged his shoulders. He was more focused on claiming the best bedroom...


            Three pairs of eyes followed the two teenage boys, each with their own conflicting emotions. The first and eldest of them with his bright green eyes seemed tired, but mildly interested. Phil has seen a handful of his of family members come and go through his home throughout the years, but they never stayed for too long. The only one that stayed was his own sister who grown elderly and frail. Even then it did not feel like she was here long... Though time has a ghost might have thrown off his sense of time. After all they did not age anymore.

            "Why are there kids there...?" Phil floated around the hallways as he followed Tommy and Tubbo who were currently picking out their rooms. He stayed far enough away as to not disturb the lights, he didn't feel like accidentally scaring the kids away so soon. From upstairs a tall brunette male poked his head through the floor to gaze at the kids himself upside down.

            "They're from the city." He stated with a friendly smile. It was clear from the tone of his voice Wilbur was quite happy to have some new guests, and ones that was closer to his own age. Phil idlily recalled that Wilbur was always fond of the city and all the different kinds of entertainment available. A sense of guilt and regret flowed through Phil briefly, but he pushed it away. The trio all agreed that they would not let what happened to them be blamed on anyone. Speaking of trios-

            "Are they gone yet?" A tired and grumpy voice sounded next to Phil and he softly smiled at his other adopted son. Dave, or as he insisted to be called Techno, was always grumpy whenever someone new entered the house. Something about he did not like others snooping around, and more importantly, in his room. Thankfully neither Tommy nor Tubbo was interested in Techno's room. Perhaps due to the pink haired male's attitude the room always had a gloomy vibe to it.

            "Hey, try not to scare those poor kids Techno. I'm sure they'll be gone soon enough, and you can go back to brooding." Wilbur nudged his Techno's shoulder in a brotherly manner which caused him to let a noise of discontent before floating away into the walls. Phil sighed softly. When he adopted these two hormonal teenagers, he figured he would only have to parent them for a few years before they would be off on their own. Now he was stuck with the two forever, never aging, and seemingly never becoming more mature. Though, in a way Phil was happy he wasn't alone at least in the afterlife, but he still would have given anything to have saved his boys from the same fate...

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