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"Hello, my number is 35262" I stated in a loud, clear tone. The machine in front of me replied in an annoying, high pitched tone, "Hello, 35262, how can I be of service to you today?" "I need to contact government officials 16283, 57348, and 22981 please." "Access denied."

I live in a world where getting into contact with a government official was nearly impossible. Becoming one, was even harder. There were no elections, no voting, the people didn't choose who represented them in the government. The public people of the United States of America 2098 didn't get to name their children what they wanted, that was chosen for them. Their jobs were chosen for them, the government, chosen for them. Everything down to their favorite food, or even the style of clothing they liked was chosen for them. The world had finally obtained peace. Peace; a word that should be carefully used, it's meaning is pure and indescribable. But, the government's ideal peace and mine are entirely two different things. The government enforces peace via violence, not sure how that makes since. I'm tired of being called a number, so I started calling my self Julianna. Of course everyone else is still a number, so if I say my name is Julianna then they look at me like I've 'disturbed the peace'.

A/N: Not sure if this is any good but idk I kinda like it haha. Also, the picture is Julianna a.k.a. 35262. Sorry if it's you I literally got it off Google 😂.

Code Number 35262Where stories live. Discover now