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Days, nights, hours, minutes, seconds; I don't know what's going on anymore. I know nothing. I ask and they tell me nothing. I'm rotting away in here. Questions keep swirling in my head, you know like your brain does in blood. Wow, got really gory there, didn't I? Are you going answer? Conscious? I guess I really am alone. Locks. The doors. My door. It was unlocking.

'Get out. Now'. Greg stood there, in black overalls, black boots, black gloves and a black hat.

Hesitantly, I walked out of my cell and Greg grabbed my arm, yanking me further into the centre of the basement. Turning around I saw Greg and a few of the other guards putting on black face masks. All you could see were their piercing eyes. What was happening? I've seen so many movies and documentaries on real cases and prison system's, but this wasn't anything that I was expecting.

All the guards looked the same, I didn't know which one was Greg. Scanning the basement, there were six other cells, each cell, gradually opened.

'Get in line', one of the guards shouted.

We all stood in formation of a line, waiting for the next instruction, waiting, waiting and waiting. If I could tell you exactly how long we stood like that, I would, but it felt like ages. One of the guards came out with a black box, placing it on the ground, he opened it. Inside were torture devices. At first, I thought, this must be a joke, but I was completely wrong. The guy next to me, had tattoos covering the majority of his arms and had a nose ring and an industrial piercing, his hair was dirty blond and he was white.

'Cole, remember when I said you'll get a present for being good', the guard's voice was laced in venom and his eyes were filled with cold-blooded hatred, 'well this is it'. In his hands he held a belt, now you would think that he is about to be whipped by the guard or at least that's what I was thinking.

Grabbing Cole, whose face showed no emotions, whatsoever, they placed him flat on the table. That's when I saw what the belt actually looked like, as the guard turned the belt the other way around, the entire side was covered in nails and not just pointy nails, they were nails as if the guards had sharpened them themselves. Without a flinch or doubt the guard slashed Cole's back, blood started to pour out like a river. What the hell was going on?! I don't belong here, no I don't. I'm dreaming, yes dreaming.

'You're not dreaming, you're just up next', the guard spoke.

My head flooded with thoughts and emotions; I was petrified. I didn't know what to do; from the corner of my eye I saw a red button across the control board and there was a green one next to it. Normally, the red is the bad one and the green is the good one but right now so many thoughts are going through my head. I ran towards the control board, the guards coming behind me, slamming my hand down on the green button. One of the guards yanked my arm and held me still. For a moment, I thought that this was it, I'm dead, but then a voice spoke through the speakers.

'Leave him, put them back in their cells. I've got another plan for them'

Just like that we were released and shoved back into our cells. I was watching Cole, his back was drenched in blood, and yet he didn't show any emotions. There was something about him, something that I'll figure out. 

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