[07] Siete.

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"Hey, dude," Billie called, spinning on an office chair.

I was currently laying on the couch of my manager's office as we waited for the meeting to start, scrolling through tiktok.


"What time is it?"


She groaned, "they literally told us to be here on time just to make us wait."

"Sounds just like them," I said, bored.

Billie groaned even louder, "I'm bored."

"Baby, it's not my fault you forgot to charge your phone last night."

I laughed, liking a video about a chihuahua that barked like owa owa.

The singer rolled her eyes, "you always remind me, but you didn't yesterday!"

"So now it's my fault?"

"It is when you're just paying attention to your phone and ignoring me."

"Fine," I locked my phone and put it in my pocket, then looked at her, "you have my full attention now."

She stopped spinning, leaning on her elbows that now rested on the desk in front of her. "Entertain me," Billie ordered.

"Oh, I wasn't informed I, apparently, I'm a clown now."

"Well, as my girlfriend--," she made an emphasis on the last word which had now become our way of saying fake girlfriend without actually saying it. "--it is your duty to keep me happy, entertaining me would make me happy."

"I guess I can't argue with that logic." I looked around the office, trying to find something to do while we waited. My eyes fell on a guitar that was in a corner. I stood up, walking to it.

"No way," she scoffed as I grabbed the guitar, walking back to the couch.

Sitting down, I answered, "What?"

"There's no way you know how to play that," Billie said, unbelieving.

"I used to play a lot when I was a teenager, still do when I have the time." I sat down. "What can I say? The ladies loved it," I winked.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Well, imma have to prove it to you, won't I?" Smiling, I patted the couch next to me so she would come sit.

She grinned as she walked over. "Please do."

"Just be sure not to fall in love with me while I'm at it, 'kay, babe?" I joked as I positioned my hands properly.

The singer rolled her eyes.

I started to softly strum a melody I was sure she was going to recognize, keeping my eyes on her face so I could see her reaction.

Her eyes widened, "wish you were gay? Really?" She laughed. "You're secretly a fan or what?"

"You'll never know."

Billie scrunched her nose, "you're full of surprises, huh?"

I smiled at her, stopping the motion my fingers were doing with the guitar. "I am, after all, pretty damn cool."

"I'm starting to believe that," she bit her lip. "Play something else."

"Another one of your songs?"

"You know more?"


"Uhm, no...?" I tried covering up, but the lie was obvious.

Are You Kidding Me? [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now