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| Allie |

I touched my lips .

I had lost  count of how many times I did this. .sometimes voluntarily and then involuntarily.

I could still feel the tingle on my lips.

The fast pace breaths, the tangling of our hearts, the desperation to get close. .God! I was really losing it!

Since when did I start losing from him? When did I start trusting him ? Enough to let him. .kiss me?

So gentle. .

He was so gentle. .

I have read and watch plenty of movies to know how guys just want to slobber in your mouth and — I shook my head.

That night , that instant, that moment something change in me. .like my heart did back flip or something because all I thought about today was that kiss. .that heart melting, skin to skin kiss. .

May be he was right. .I liked him from the very start but I was living in denial , treating him like a pesky creature that fell on my path when actually. .I was losing myself . .to him. .bit by bit. .

And I wanted to keep loosing. .

With a dopey smile on my face, I stared at the ceiling. .and replayed the moment again and again. .

How did I ever ignore him? Why did I treat him so bad? Wasn't he the one who beat up Liam?

Recalling his name dimmed down the smile on my face. I wish I could say the story was worth telling but it isn't.

I liked the guy.

The guy liked me back too.

We started dating each other and then on the third day he tried to kiss me by force at school . .no one tried to intervene. In fact they were watching with glee while I tried to push him back and then he arrived.

I can never forget the look on his face. . downright murderous.

Both of them got into a fight and Liam pulled out a knife, catching Dennis on the eyebrow hence the slash.

I got saved.

But Dennis got suspended and Liam changed schools.

No one helped me but him.

No one came for me but him.

It's strange how—

The door bell rang and I sat up. My heart thudded against my chest. Was this him?

I glanced at the wall clock.


Quickly, I got off the bed and stood in front of the mirror. .my hair looked disheveled , I had a cute purple top on and my favorite shorts .

I think I looked good. Presentable.

My reflection was smiling like I won a lottery . . .how could one guy affect me so much?

The bell rang again.

Hastily, I went out of the room and trudged downstairs. I couldn't wait to see him! The knots in my tummy were driving me crazy .

I was a jumble of emotions .

Smiling, I put my hand on the handle and took a really deep breath. .okay Allie, you got this.

I opened the door.

And the smile on my face disappeared.


The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now