chapter 1: Marilyn Morose

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Virgil groaned. "Dude, it's been 30 times TODAY!" He mutters to himself as he locks his apartment's door and jogs down the stairs.

 For the 31st time that day he heard his soulmate hum 'you'll be back' from Hamilton. If it was annoying 30 times ago then it was really annoying the crap out of Virgil now.

 He stepped out of the double doors of the apartment building into a rain shower, with the occasional flash of lightning and its echo thunder. He breathed in the smell of the rain, sliding on his headphones and his hood, as he started to walk towards the bus stop. ah. My favorite weather. He could tell that his soulmate was listening to his music because the humming stopped. Hate it when they do that. It's like they are silently judging my taste in music. He walked on, stopping at the bus stop. Late again. He thought as he pulled off his headphones. "HEY! VIRGIL!" Virgil glanced at the sidewalk where one of his coworkers was running towards the bus stop, brown cardigan shielding him from the rain. He sighed. Sure, don't get me wrong. His coworker, Patton is adorable, but his overly peppy attitude can drain Virgil pretty quickly. "hey!" Patton hunches over catching his breath. He flops down onto the bench next to Virgil. "So lemme guess. Logan's already there?" Virgil sighs. " Logan's always early so yeah!" Patton smiles. "What is your soulmate listening too?" Patton leans towards Virgil, eager for an answer. "Hamilton." Virgil leans back. "Like always." He added with a hint of disgust. "You?" "well mine is listening to some disney villian songs? I dont know its kinda distorted like far away." Virgil gave a rare smile. " heh you win." "at what?" Patton tilted his head, confused." whose soulmates have the worst taste in 'music." Virgil muttered as the bus pulled up at the curb. Patton adjusted his glasses and followed Virgil up the iron grate steps. Walking towards the back of the bus, Virgil spotted someone. Pfft he looks like he's cosplaying some generic Disney prince. He thought as he eyed the man wearing all white with a crimson red sash and a golden crown. The man turned his head to look at him, humming, with his earbuds in. Virgil immediately looked away, a layer of blush rising in his cheeks as he was caught staring at a stranger. The man shrugged and went back to scrolling and tapping on his phone. Virgil paused, halfway to the back, noticing that his soulmate was playing another song. " when he sees me, waitress the musical...." Virgil muttered. It sounded so clear in his mind but he could hear some sort of echo out of his mind. WAIT! DOES THAT MEAN THEY'RE ON THIS BUS?! His mind screamed as he swiveled his head to look at everyone on the bus. He estimated about 20 to 30 people were already on the bus. There's no way I'll find them like this. Virgil tried to shrug off the embarrassing excitement that rose up in him.Trying to seem nonchalant he pulled on his headphones and made his way to the back. He flopped down on a cracked leather bus seat near the back and sighed, pulling up his hood.Patton sat next to him, smiling. Virgil pulled up his music app and played his playlist for his favorite songs, turning up the volume to tune out the other people's conversations on the bus. His soulmate apparently sat quietly listening to his music. Annoyed, Virgil had this weird feeling of being watched, and then he turned to look at Patton. "Whatcha listening to?" Patton slightly leans forward out of curiosity."Music." Virgil rolled his eyes.He instantly regretted it. Patton dad jokes activated. Boy this is gonna be a loooong bus ride. Virgil thought as Patton started spouting off dad jokes and puns to cheer Virgil up. 

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