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The Waverider, The night of the escape from the Dominators

"Are you going to be okay?"

Oliver loomed over me as I laid on the bed. I was hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires that were supposed to be making me feel better. They were only making me feel worse.

"Do you want the nice answer or the honest answer?" I reached for his hand.

"The honest answer," Oliver said.

"I don't know," I admitted. "It's not every day that aliens capture you, hook you up to a machine, and use your telepathic powers to create an alternate reality simulation in which you and your friends are trapped in."

"Well, that's understandable."

"How's Dig? He seemed to be in a bit of pain when we got here."

"He's doing better. The voice..."


"...is patching him up as we speak. He's looking better already. Unlike you." He put his hand up to my forehead. "You're really cold. We should get you a few more blankets"

"Ollie, you don't have to wait on me hand and foot," I moaned. "You have a team that you are in charge of out there. Go be a leader Ollie"

"I'm not leaving your side until you're feeling better," Oliver said, sitting down I the chair besides me and fixing on of the blankets. "I might be the leader, but this team need you just as much as they need me"

I huffed. "Oliver... I..." I stuttered. "Look, we all need you. You are the de facto leader every time we come together. I'm helpful, but you're the driving force of this operation. This doesn't work without you."

"Mavs, don't put this all on me. You've done a lot for every single person here. If we're fighting aliens, there's no one I need more at my side than you."

"Ollie, you're too kind."

"Is there anything I can do to improve how you feel?" He asked.

"Unless you know a magical way to make me feel a million times better, no. I think I just need some sleep," I said. Oliver nodded. "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Of course"

"Will you tell me a story?" I giggled. " Like I'm a little kid?"

"What story?" He asked.

"Just pick one"

Oliver started on a story, but I was too tired to care. I let his soft, droning voice lull me to sleep.


The rest of my day with Kara was very uneventful. Kara got an urgent call and had to run. I took that as my cue to head back to Coast City. As I arrived back in Coast City, a text popped up on my phone. Zoya's schedule was packed to the brim, but tomorrow night was free for her. As I confirmed the plans, I couldn't shake the gut feeling that something wasn't right. I pushed it aside in the way I knew best. Cooking.

When Devin got home, there was enough food for a small army. I had made a three course meal, along with an assortment of baked goods for any occasion. Devin wrapped herself around me, setting her head on my shoulder and breathing in.

"It smells good," she complimented, sneaking a kiss up to my cheek.


"Any occasion, or is this stress baking I see?"

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