𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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Yoongi ;

Your boyfriend Min Yoongi and yourself both agree (after about 10 minutes of arguing because you're both hard headed) to watch Greece. While you lay horizontally on the couch, Yoongi lays in between your legs with his back on your chest and head on your shoulder with your arms wrapped lazily around his neck.

About 20 minutes into the movie, you hear soft snores escape your boyfriend's lips, sounding similar to a purring cat. You smile, while running your fingers through his hair, causing the pur like snore to increase.

Taehyung TW// Food ;

Taehyung would be ecstatic, bringing along all the snacks he could think of, with stacks of old DVDs and two, six packs of cola in hand. Apon entering your home, he would pile everything onto your coffee table, immediately making himself at home. With a big smile on his face, the two of you would cuddle on the couch and pig out on snacks.

Namjoon ;

The two of you would be on the couch with you head on Joon's lap as the rest of your body is sprawled on the couch. Namjoon would have his fingers in your hair, rubbing at your scalp gently which would result in involuntary yawns. Eventually, you would give into the tired weight that tugged onto your eye lids, letting them flutter shut.

Jin ;

Jin would have his arm around you as you both lean against one another, eating snacks and watching the movie. However, during the majority of the duration of the movie, instead of watching, the two of you would be talking. Well, more specifically, joking around and making fun of the fake punches thrown by one actor towards the other, pointing out silly mistakes editors forgot to fix and bet on which character would die first or which character would save the day. This results in a night full of laughs and big smiles from the both of you.

Hoseok ;

Hobi would be the one in your arms, leaning into your side with your arm wrapped around his from, squeezing him closer. Since you opted for a horror, Hobi thought it was only right that he be protected, therefore he is the one being held.

Jimin ;

You and your boyfriend Jimin would start out watching the movie, but it would slowly become background noise as the two of you start playing around instead. You'd play games, like trying to catch popcorn with your mouths as the other one throws it your way or seeing how many marshmallows you could fit into your cheeks at once, to seeing who could jungle the marshmallows the best.

Jungkook ;

Jungkook would let you lean into his side and hang his arm around your shoulders. You'd take that hand that hangs from that same arm and intertwine your fingers and softly circle your thumb on the maknae's soft skin as you both enjoy the romcom you forced him to watch while he silently pretends not to enjoy it.
(a/n: i hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves properly 💕 remember to wear your mask and wash your hands. The pandemic is NOT OVER. That's all for now, ily <3)

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