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ten; saving all my love

Lyra Black's mind had always seemed to be in indisputable chaos, keeping her awake at odd times, making her complete odd actions. As often as she tried to fight it, often the things she would say or do weren't as well thought out, and so Lyra Black regretted a lot of things in her life. She seemed to live life on her regrets, and by living, she tried to correct these regrets, it wasn't as simple as regretting buying that one cake over the other, it was more like regretting leaving a person who wanted to spend the rest of his life bedside you. Then, regretting returning because that realisation makes you feel incredibley guilty.

Often, she tried to place a cause on that one regret that seemed to plague her, it wasn't Lyra's decision to leave that plagued her, it was her decision to leave the people in her life behind, too. For, Lyra now realised that years ago, she could have uprooted her life, and still contacted her friends, instead of living what now seemed quite a lonesome life for six years.

The chaos in her mind screamed 'what if', as she looked at each person. What if she had stayed, would she and Bill have become something? What if she had stayed, would Ginny Weasley now not be so terrified of people leaving her behind? What if she had stayed, would she have a closer bond with her brother? What if she had stayed, would she have learned to appreciate magic and her life for what it is, not what all that happened and all that plagues her?

What if she stayed, would she be happy?

Now that she's back, could she be happy?

Few people knew this, knew how to spot when her mind began to wander, when everything began to mix together in her head, Bill included.

For the thirteen years they had known eachother, the ginger-haired man made it his mission to distract her, to pull her away from the chaos of her thoughts.

This brought the pair in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, messing with a muggle radio and baking. With it being late August, Harry had already had his hearing, and the children continued to clean each day.

Lyra laughed as she watched Bill try to work the muggle device, trying to switch it on despite there being a very clear "on" button.

The woman laughed softly, "here look, you press this button, and then this one for the radio, and-"

Lyra's words were interrupted by a song filling the room, Bill couldn't help but crack a smile when Lyra's face lit up.

"oh, this is a favourite, it's a little different to the Weird Sisters though," Lyra smiled as she turned the dial up, saving all my love for you by Whitney Houston playing over the radio.

Lyra was right, it was very different to the Weird Sisters, but a good different.

The ginger-haired man watched as she swayed to the music, grabbing ingredients out of the cupboard, seemingly knowing every single word to the song.

The song itself, sent Bill into a trance, he just watched her. This young girl with long brown hair, her grey-blue eyes that often looked incredibley sad but today looked happy. No matter what she did, she never failed to make the laughter lines on his face crease, she never failed to make him feel some sort of a way.

The moment was unstolen, the radio rolled in the background as the pair absorbed the music, the second song bringing euphoria to the room, Lyra grabbing hold of Bill's hand, making him dance with her. He's incredibley uncoordinated, but so is she and so, despite how bad they were at dancing, it made the moment all the more better.

'Come on Eileen' played on the radio, Bill couldn't help but think muggle songs were most peculiar, but they were enjoying themselves as they made a fool out of eachother, dancing in a way that Professor McGonagall would be disappointed in.

When the song finished and the radio turned to ad's, Lyra had to burst out in laughter as Bill asked the question, "so whose Eileen?"

She placed a tender kiss to his cheek, Bill having to stoop his neck just to reach, she smiled up at her closest friend before patting his chest, "don't ever change, Bill."

The dark haired woman shook her head, before beginning to direct him with the ingredients.

While Bill could be considered intermediate in cooking, baking was most definitely not his forté, especially when the ingredients ended up anywhere but in the bowl.

"No Bill, one egg, not t-" A gasp escaped her lips as the egg dropped on the floor, landing on her foot.

Bill pursed his lips in amusement as Lyra raised a brow at him, "I think that was on purpose,"

Bill flicked his wand, flour shooting from the bag and over the woman, who bit her lip as her eye twitched, "you're in for it, Weasley,"

And so began the war, loud laughter could be heard from upstairs, catching the attention of Sirius who left the living room to see what was going on to be causing so much noise, and he couldn't say he was too surprised.

Sirius felt heavy hearted as he watched his sister and Bill from the doorway as they flicked flour back and fourth, no cake mixture in the bowl whatsoever.

He couldn't deny that hearing his sister laugh, and seeing her smile brought him great relief, she didn't do it often, and when she did it didn't quite reach her eyes unless she was around Bill.

He had seen it before, the way Bill looked at her and the way Lyra smiled at him, he had felt something similar when he looked at Marlene Mckinnon, and he had seen it in James and Lily.

While Bill and Lyra's friendship was far from that of James and Lily's, the looks Bill gave her were just the same, the things he did, and said, and Sirius knew he would put his life on the line for Lyra. Just like James did that night. It gave him relief, in a way, knowing that Lyra would always have a protector so long as Bill was around.

He didn't purposely want to compare his best friends to his sister and Bill, because their stories were so tragic that he hoped his sister would never have to know that pain of losing eachother. Unfortunately she was fighting a war, a war that would surely take lives close to home.

"Molly's going to hex us," Lyra whined as she glanced up at Bill, and with a mischievous glint in his eye the remenants of the flour floated through the air, Lyra's eyes widening.

"Don't," She pleaded just as it was dumped on her head, "sleep with one eye open tonight Weasley because you might just wake up looking like Dumbledore."

Bill didn't get away lightly as Lyra made sure to shake herself off all over Bill, and hug him just for good measure, patting his head until they both looked even.

He wanted to meddle, but he'd done just about enough meddling in his younger years that he would leave this relationship to unwind itself.

It was safe to safe, Molly Weasley was furious with her oldest children, and Lyra and Bill locked themselves away in a room for hours to escape her wrath, laughing like school children.


I have to admit, this is one of my favourite chapters, however next chapter is also a favourite, and Mary Macdonald is also introduced!

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