Chapter one - Little Leader

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He didn't know what the hell he was doing, this was a crazy plan. It could take years! But, perhaps be useful.... As someone with his strengths,smarts, and everything could be enhanced even past one robotic arm. He had so many ideas. Thoughts swirling through his head. He had just warped out to the schoolhouse, the exact one he and his friends had gone to when they were just kids. When he was only innocent, or as innocent as he could get. All via a time machine. He had taken a Q-tip with him. Ready to find his past self, and clone it. You see....He figured he could raise a clone of his child self into a second Red Leader, knowing to clone his current self he would simply have an awkward person exactly like him around, and cloning a child version of himself. He would have someone with his strengths that he could raise to be different to him. With different strengths added onto what he already had, and use them for his bidding. He took a small potato sack and a rope out of his coat and marched away to the playground. He saw a bush near the schoolhouse door, the one the kids came out of to go to recess. As soon as the bell rang, he hopped into it, ready for his past-self to come by. The younger Tord came right out the door, nearly a minute later, and was leading the line of kids. He would have to wait for him to come back, so no witnesses could see what he was about to do. When suddenly, the younger version of Tom came out behind him and pointed to the bush where a slight bit of Red Leader's outfit stuck out of the bush, he laughed a bit and sneered, "Hey, I dare you to see what's in that bush!" and pushed the younger Tord in its direction. Tord sighed, and walked over to the wall by the back door, and pressed his back against it as a cool kid does. "Well, let's wait for these kids to leave, then we'll keep it to ourselves. I bet it's a treasure or, or.......!" The Red Leader didn't hear the rest of what they were saying . He stayed as still as he could, waiting for his younger self to come closer. A minute later he heard footsteps. He readied the sack and pulled younger Tord in as soon as he drew near. Covering his head with the sack, he wrapped a rope around his neck and warped to the present time before he could make a peep. Now he was back in his own office-like room. He took the sack off the younger Tord's head, "W-Who are you?" his younger-self asked, wide-eyed and scared. "Don't worry, little one. It won't hurt at all. You can go back to your friends soon...." Red Leader mysteriously responds, he spits out a cigar, and holds the Q-tip. He shoved it in his younger-self's mouth, and as soon as he took it out. He just simply smiled and sent him back before he could question him. He walked away. Ready for his plan to be set in motion. Suddenly, the door swung open, There stood Tia in the doorway. "Tia!" he laughed, and gave her a glance. "What the HELL are you doing here?" He turned his tone grimmer and he stopped laughing. Tia only stared back at him, and said, "Sir, I can clone the DNA for you...." Red Leader bellowed with laughter. "Tia, I can't trust you. You happen to be on the same level as Tom, in not just trust... but how much I absolutely hate you." He chuckled, and looked at her visor "But if you really want to.." Tia realized what he meant, and looked into his eyes with fear "S-Sir.." she slightly stuttered "That causes me pain. please don't-...." Red Leader cut her off. "Wonderful! Now be a good girl-" he flicked a switch "and go make me a clone...." Her visor turned red, with a smile on her face, she grinned and replied: "Yes Red Leader." Yet, the real Tia was still conscious, and was in terrible, stiff pain as her body, being controlled by the likes of the Red Leader. Tia robotically walks out the door. Yet her true self could only think about what Red Leader was going to do, as she knew little about this new plan.......

To be continued.......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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