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It's been a few months since I had fist came to London and we had opened the shop and business has been booming. Money's coming in fast and it's amazing. I opened the door to my car and started heading to my passenger seat when I saw Jay. "Well hey there pretty lady." I smiled. "Hey Jay. You seem chirpy this morning." He smiled. "I met someone." I laughed in hurt. Truth be told. I do fancy Jay but now, i knew i never had a shot.  "You meet a girl every night." He looked at me. "No i actually have a girl." i laughed even harder but when i saw that he wasn't laughing i realized that he was being serious. "Really?" "Yea." I was hurt. but i couldn't let him have that satisfaction. " well while you're out here with me, you might as well help me carry these in." He smiled and grabbed two of the 3 of the 6 cups or coffee and tea I had bought everyone. "Wait Rae who's the sixth one for?" I chuckled. "Me silly. I need more caffeine." He laughed as I started walking in front of him. "Damn." I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. "what?" he looked blank faced. "What do you mean?" "You said damn. Damn what?" he looked nervous. "O um nothing I was thinking about something." I shrugged it off and went into the shop. "I come baring caffeine!!!" the girls and sketch cheered. Jay gave the girls their orders and I gave sketch his as I sat next to him. "Thanks darling. You're a life saver." I nodded in appreciation just as Jay sat on the other side of me and put his arm around me. I didn't think anything of it but Alice did. "Oooooo, Jay do you and Raelynn have a little thing going?"  I shrugged his shoulder off and told her no as Jay chuckled. Why was he chuckling!? I mean hell I'd get with him if I could but he has a girl.  Right? Before I could question him a customer came in. "Hello guys." "hey" we all said. "What can we do for you?" Me and Jay said it at the same time and everyone looked at us as me and Jay looked at each other. Was he trying to piss me off now? "Umm I'm here to get a cover up." Sketch smiled. "What's the story?" the guy laughed. "Well ya see me and my girl, well now ex, we were out in Cabo and I didn't know at the time that she had cheated on me, but I went and got a tattoo and let her pick it out. It turns out the guy that was tattooing me was the guy that she was cheating on me with. So yeah that's how I found out and got dumped." I was gob smacked! i wanted to laugh but i just new i had to see the tattoo first. At least Paisley asked where it was. "It's right under  my armpit." Ooooo. Must've hurt. "I don't know about Rae, Jay or sketch but i have to see this." and with that the guy whipped his armpit out and i wanted to laugh with what was there. 'you've been dumped and cheated on by the tattoo guy.' with the words going into a toilet! Jay and Sketch were having a ball but me and Alice were at least keeping our cool for the poor boy. "So it'll be hard to cover up since it's a sensitive area but you're gonna need a lot of detail to cover that up. with that being said what would you want to cover it up with?" he smiled at me. "I want a biker skull. something with that." we nodded our heads and started drawing. After a half an hour Alice decided to go first with an Elephant cuz she knew she didn't want to do it and Sketch went with a girls legs cuz he thought it was funny but i slapped the back of his head to show him other wise. "Ow that hurt!" "good, it meant to hurt." Jay went next to have a Skull with roses and of course it was traditional. "So i went with the biker skull like you said you wanted. Black and white realism. if you're willing to get this done and lay in that chair and deal with the pain, I can easily get this done in no time. the only part i worry about is right at the crease with the shade the skull is going to have but i'll promise you i'll make it work."  He nodded and looked over them all. It was between me and Jay because there was no way that he was going to pick Alice or Sketches. "I love them both but i gotta pick Raelynn's." i smiled and stuck my tongue out at Jay as we walked to my station. damn it feels good to win.

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