Sarah Jones ( Frazel )

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Hi! My name is Sarah Jones and I am a sophomore in high school. I wouldn't say that Im popular.... just well known. You see, I have a huge friend group, and when i mean huge, i mean like 15 people huge. I know that might not seem like a lot but you try fitting 15 people at the same table at lunch period. 

Cheerleading tryouts are today, and everyone except my best friend Hazel wanted me to try out ( cause hazel knows im not into that stuff ), but i guess cheerleading isn't really my forte. Im more of the girl who sits in the bleachers cheering out teammates or the girl who is at the park reading fantasy books. 

Anyway, as we wait in the commons for the bell to start out day, I noticed Hazel is looking at a picture. Naturally, I was intrigued. I snatch the photo away from her and look at the people in it. There was a blond haired girl with startling gray eyes. She was in the arms of a guy, with clack hair and green eyes. i guess he was cute, but the mischievous smirk on his face told me to stay clear away from him. Next to them was a guy with blond hair and blue eyes, and next to him was a girl with feathers in her choppy brown hair. I couldn't really tell what color her eyes were though. In the smack middle of the picture was a guy who sort of looks like a Latino elf, with a smile on his face that clearly told you he was trouble. And of course, in the far right of the picture was hazel, her brown frizzy hair almost covering the face of the guy who was hugging her. 

" hey Hazel who is that?" I ask as I point to the guy hugging her.

She blushes and plucks the picture away from me. 

" That is Frank, my boyfriend. " she says.

" BOYFRIEND?!" I yell. 

" Yea now would you pipe it down, people are starting to stare. " she aggressively whispers. 

I cross my arms and glare at her. 

" What, you don't believe me?" she asks, amused

" Oh no, i can 100% believe a sweetheart like you having a boyfriend. Im just mad that I am hearing about this just today. Like come on hazel. I have known you for almost a year and not once have I seen him. And this picture was clearly taken in the summer. I mean, it is December right now and snowing, and this picture has sunlight practically radiating off it. " I state accusingly. 

" sorry, it just never came up in a conversation. " she says

Line Break -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was the end of school, and me and Hazel were walking to the bus stop.  Just as I was about to go out of the door, I heard principal ellis call my name. 

" You go on without me, Ill catch up with you later." I said to Hazel. 

Hazel nodded and walked out the door. 

I made my way over to principal Ellis.

" Ah Sarah. I've been meaning to talk to you since 1st period. Would you mind giving our new transfer student a tour tomorrow? You were the only one I could think of. Well that and the 3 people i asked before said no."

" Of course Principal Ellis! Just wondering, would I get any extra credit? "

The principal started at me blankly before chuckling to herself. " of course Sarah."

Line skip to tomorrow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I stood outside the principals office wanting for the transfer student to arrive. Just when I was about to go, the principal walked out, and behind her was a asian sort of kid. He was had chocolate brown eyes and short black hair. He was also SUPER TALL. And when i say super, I mean like 6'5 tall or something like that. Something about him also seemed familiar, like i had seen him from somewhere, but i couldn't quite place where.

" Stare much? " the new guy asked amused

That quickly brought me back to my senses. 

" Oh sorry," I said sheepishly. " You just seem familiar to me. do I know you from somewhere?" 

The guy shook his head. " Not that I know of. My name is frank."

I smile. " Hi, Im Sarah. I am going to the one to give you a tour of the building."

I shake his hand. Wait a minute, Frank, as in Hazel's boyfriend??? It was a long shot but i asked him. " Do you have a girlfriend?" 

Frank's eyes lit up a little. He smiled, nodding his head. " Yeah, her name is Hazel. She actually goes to this school. I was planning on giving her a little surprise."

My eyes widened. " OMG! Hazel is my best friend here!" i say excitedly.

Frank smiles. i lead him through the hallways of Riverwood High. "

" So," I say, " I am actually planning a surprise birthday party for Hazel tomorrow at the 17th. You should come and surprise Hazel there for her birthday!" I suggest.

" That is good idea Sarah. Since i came here late, I don't share any classes with Hazel since they all got filled up, so avoiding her for a day won't be a problem at all."   

Line break ( next day after school ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The part was going to be at my house, and I had asked Hazel the day before if she would would be able to come over to my house for a group study. I had only invited about 3 other people. Frank her boyfriend, plus, Rebecca and Maddie, her 2 other super close friends in school. ( I was still her best friend though ).  I hurriedly get the cake and presents set up. Just then, the door bell rings. Becca and Maddie are standing on my porch, each with a present at hand. 

" Hi Becca! Hi Maddie! Come in. And oh, set the presents by that corner." I say pointing. 

Both of them smile as they head in, each of them setting the present down. Just as I was about to close the door, I see Frank coming up on my driveway. I usher him inside and make him sit on the sofa. 

" Ok, so Becca and Maddie, you too will hide somewhere in the living room when Hazel comes. Frank, you will hide too, but you are going to stay hidden for like 5 -10 minutes longer. Is that ok?" i ask. 

All of them smile and nod. Sure's and Ok's travel through. I hear the doorbell. I look outside the little peephole in our door and see Hazel. "Ok guys. HIDE!" I yell. Once of of them are hidden, I open the door and greet Hazel, leading her inside. As Hazel walks into the room, Becca and Maddie jump out of their hiding spots and yell surprise. Hazel looks taken aback. " Sarah, what is this? " She asks. 

" Why, it's your surprise birthday party silly." I tease. " I kept it really small, cause i know you hate crowds. "

Hazel smiled. " Thank you guys."

" well, lets open your presents!!!" I said cheerfully.

" Here, open mine first," said Maddie as she handed her present to Hazel.

Inside was an art set with at least 100 colors of paints and 4 paint brushes, along with some charcoal pencils. Hazel smiled gratefully. " Thank you Maddie, this is just what I needed." 

Becca shoved her present in front of Hazel. " If you think that was an amazing present, wait till you open mine." she said

Hazel carefully tore the wrapping paper of and gasped. Inside was the latest book of Peter Johnson Mythology series. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

" Thank you soooo much Becca!" Hazel jumped down in her seat.

" Now," I started, " I didn't get. present for you but you are going to get a surprise right now, so close your eyes." I said. 

Once Hazel closed her eyes, I ushered Frank out of his hiding spot and brought him up in front of Hazel. "Now, open your eyes!!!" I yelled. Hazel opened her eyed and gasped. She jumped out of her seat and ran up to hug Frank. Frank hugged her back and kissed her. I bobbed up and down squealing under my breath. Maddie and Becca did the same. I sort of fan girled to hard then and there. Needless to say, Frazel became my OPT for probably the rest of my life. 

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