Chapter three, draco finds out your past

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The next morning you get out of bed and get dressed you the looked at your beside on the floor and remembered the note you were slightly running late so you grabbed the note and shoved it in your bag sloppy because you were late you run out your dorm room door and crash into Draco as he came to see you to say sorry but you ignore him and run to class not knowing the note fell out you get to potions class and sit in the same seat you zone off again when you came to class was dismissed you go to your next class and survive that you walk around the school to the fact it's your free period you go to the black lake to read the note again but can't find it your now frantically looking through your bag and drop your wand in the water so you take your robe off and jump in to get it you get out of the water soaking wet and cold you grab your things and go back to your dorm to change from your wet and cold clothes as you open the door you see Draco sitting on your bed with the note
You: "Draco what are you doing in here and what do you have"
Draco: "so is it true your not a filthy mudblood"
You: "what are you ta....."
Draco: "your father is Tom riddle"
You look down at the note and start crying cause your scared of your powers as your mom warned you to keep your emotions under control
You: "yes I'm a Riddle my real name is y/n Riddle please don't tell anyone"
Draco: "I promise but what now I read this damn thing over and over again is this why you don't have a crush on anyone"
You: "yes this is why and I don't know what to do I'm scared of my own powers"
Draco gets off the bed leaving the note on your nightstand and walks over to you, you take a step back as Draco is in kissing distance of you he gracefully and gently cups your face with his hand and wipes the tears away with his thumb you guys lock eyes him staring at your beautiful emerald green eyes as you look into his silver-blue eyes then goes to kiss you his soft lips touching your and you slightly melt with feeling the same happiness as the day you watched the sunrise which was the day you came to Hogwarts you slowly and cautiously wrap your arms around his neck and you guys continue to kiss knowing he shouldn't be in your room but thankfully no one dormed with you as he then pins you against the wall lifting you up you wrap your legs around his waist while still kissing his he then walks over to your bed while your still wrapped around him putting you on the bed legs still wrapped around him and he's on top of you, you guys stop kissing for a minute and lock eyes again catching your guy's breath then he moves his hand down to your waist pulling you up and making your back arch as you continue to kiss then he begins kissing your neck then down and makes you sit up taking your shirt off then proceed to kiss then lays you back down kissing down your torso before you sat up and took his shirt off then he pushed you back down he began to leave hickeys on your neck you guys go further before two hours later you guys lay there cuddling exhausted from fooling around he looks at you and you guys lock eyes again
Draco: "that was amazing"*chuckles alittle*
You: "ya it was"
You smile at him as he smiles back and asks you
Draco: " will you be my girlfriend ever since I saw you on that train I was in aw and that day in potion class when I smelt the perfume you had worn the day before I knew it was you who I wanted but I was scared to admit my feelings cause I have never loved anyone as you when you smelled the potion and smelt nothing that was the same for me before you showed up please be my girlfriend"
You look at him and melt
You: "yes I will but no games this better be true feelings and not fake"
Draco: "they're real not fake I promise"
You: "ok"
Draco: "I love you y/n"
You: "I love you to Draco"
You both look at each other and smile before one last kiss and you go to sleep
Draco's thoughts
She's mine now nothing will change it I love her so much she will forever be mine and no one else's I will protect her with my last breath
The next morning you wake up and smile at Draco you get up to get dressed and he looks at you with satisfied look and you chuckle
You: "what why are you looking at me like that"
Draco: "cause your the most Beautiful thing I've ever layed eyes on"
You laugh and so does he, he grabbed his clothes from yesterday and puts them on you put on your clothes and through an invisibility cloak at him so you guys can get out without anyone seeing and you guys getting in trouble you get to the Corredor's and he takes it off and u stuff it away in your bag then all of the sudden you feel slightly sick but ignore it then you and Draco looked around too see that is was almost Christmas you remember that your mom has Business on the holidays so you stay behind and so does Draco
One month later
It's the end of the 3rd year and your getting ready to go home Draco comes to your room and hugs you from behind and kisses your cheek you turn around and kiss him on the lips his hands on your waist then you walk together and he bids you farewell as the train leaves you get home and hug your mom and you guys spend a lot of time together over the time you got home your mom notices that your belly is getting bigger but thinks nothing of it until you get weird food cravings then hands you a box and tells you to go to the bathroom you get in the bathroom and look down at the box as it reads pregnancy test you start to worry but do it anyway you come out of the bathroom as your mom standing outside the door biting her nail as you show her and start crying at the fact that your pregnant and tomorrow you go back to Hogwarts she asked you and you said Draco Malfoy she hugs you and tells you to go to sleep and get ready for tomorrow you go to your room and go to sleep wondering how your going to tell Draco you were showing but not majorly yet and your birthday is in a week and you'll be 15 then you decide that you'll tell him on your birthday then you pass out

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