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Jungkook POV

Same day same job same life nothing new....oh hi my name is jungkook I am a waiter in bangtan cafe... Well starting with my life nothing is interesting... I live alone In a apartment.. I pay my own bills...my parents never cared for they left me in a orphanage when u was young... From then I lived alone... I'm pretty lonely I have only one friend his name is taehyung...

I was dozed of thinking and I did not know that my best friend is calling me "JUNKOOK!!!" Said taehyung "oh?Yeah" I said "are u okay? U seem to be deep in thoughts "asked taehyung "I'm fine just tired of working " I said

"It's getting pretty late" I said "yeah" tae said just then our manager came "guys ur shift is over u can go home" our manager said "finallyyyy" I thought.... I packed my bag changed and changed into normal clothes.......

"Bye tae bye manger nim" I said and gave them a goodbye hug...they kindly returned the hug saying "bye jungkook"

Then I stared walking to my house its not that far from my work so everyday I walk to cafe and come back home walking.....

------------------guys this is my first fan fiction I hope u guys like it.... I purple u 💜💜

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