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Jungkook pov

It's getting late so I thought it would be nice If I take shortcut from the alley.....

As I was walking in alley I heard a small whimper.... I turned around to see no one.. So I shrugged it off thinking its my imagination I kept walking..

Meow~ I heard another voice I sounded like a cat.. Wait what?? A Cat??

Meow ~~

"It's coming near the dumpster" I said to myself....

I went near the dumpster and saw a small cat curled up in to a small ball... "Awww it's so cute " I thought I tried to pick it up but it scratched me with its claw.

"Owie " I said holding my hand in pain... I was about to cuss at it but seeing his expression softened me ..

"Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt u" I said "meoww " the cat said "its okay let me take u home" I said I reached my hand out for the cat..

The Cat took small steps coming in front of me he first sniffed my hand and relaxed....

Then he rub himself in my hand.. And purred loudly... I controlled myself not to scream out loud saying soo cute

Then I picked it up and put in in my arms and said "let's go home "...and the cat said said meow...

Then I continue walking to home....


Hey everyone it's ur author nim plz comment if u like my story I purple u guys 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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