It's Funny When.... Teen Suicide

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It's funny when a girl commits suicide and you make fun for her and say she's a dumb bitch and is better off dead. Couple months later your best friend commits suicide and your broken about it. Your trying to defend her name while everyone calls her a worthless whore and deserved to die.

This really kills me. Teens these days are such petty ass holes and don't even know it. No one has respect for a human life anymore. Not talking about adults but kids our age just don't give a fuck.

All this leading to a teen killing themselves because of the pressures of being a KID! Whether it be home life or their dumb ass peers judging them on shit they don't know about.

I've been through so much shit in my life sometimes I do wanna give up but I don't. You wanna know why? Because I'm a coward.

Yep, I'm a coward because I don't have the will power to kill myself or harm myself.

Here's a little advice from me. Learn from it or just say fuck:

God put us all on this planet for a reason. If he wanted us to kill our self then what was the point of creating us? He wouldn't have created us at all and our presence wouldn't have been known in the first place.

Even though I've been through shit and still am going through it, I am going to be successful in my life to better it for myself and my future family no matter what a niqqa have to say.


Kill myself? Niqqa no, kill yourself because I'm doing me and I'm doing me till i die because I'm doing the shit I need to do to become a psychiatrist one day to help kids with deep depression because fucking dip shits like you wanna make them feel like there worthless human beings and a disgrace to society.

The main reason why I wanted to write this was because when I went to my 5th period class, a couple of girls I talk to occasionally were talking about how her friend hung herself.

I'm new to the area so I didn't know the girl personally,( well anyone at that) because I keep to myself. But when I heard that.... I was sad for the girl, her friends, and most def her family.

Some guys in my last period class were talking about it and how people on Twitter and Facebook were talking shit about the girl and that just made me upset.

Our generation have no damn respect. I didn't know the girl but she still deserved to live her life in peace without judging, ignorant ass people.

I'm done.

Rip Jessica Laney

*drops mic, exits stage*

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