Chapter 14: Tournesol

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This story was influenced by "Giving In" by Artificial

Chapter 14: Tournesol

He next morning Russia woke up with a head ache. He wasn't completely hung over, but he was still hung over. He sat up in the bed and rubbed his temples, he loved his Vodka but drinking the whole bottle fast to keep the Canadian from drinking it was not the best idea. He never got drunk or hung over unless he drank it too fast, now he was paying for it.

He got out of bed, he thought the room was spinning for a minute, and went into the bathroom. Over his many, many years of drinking, he learned a shower always helped. Turning the water from hot to cold to hot again, it helped him. He thought about what had happened last night, the drunk Canadian and immediately thought about how he should of pushed it a little further, made the Canadian do something, answer some questions, anything really, and he regretted that he didn't take full advance. He would have to get that boy drunk again some day to get rid of that little mistake. He got dressed in something simple, and of course with his scarf, before heading to downstairs. He noticed the Canadian's bed room door was open just a crack. Russia knew if he was in there, the door was closed, if not, the door was completely open. There was no ajar.

Russia peeked in. Everything was under the covers of Canada's bed, the pillows were messed up too, he must have had a hard night. Russia opened the door and went in more. "Matvey. Your over sleeping." He said to annoy, what he knew to be, the hung over Canadian. The bump under the sheets and covers moved a bit but didn't talk, or even moan. "Matvey?" All of a sudden, Kumajirou popped his head out from the covers.

"I'm sleeping. What do you want?" The bear said. Russia blinked.

"Where is your owner?"

"I dunno. He didn't come up." The bear made a little yawn and went back under the covers, he enjoyed having the whole bed to himself. Oh boy, Russia first thought. He left the bear alone and made his way down stairs. Either the Canadian was up already, or hell was just settling in for him. Russia first looked in the kitchen, no sign of the boy. He then looked into the living room and, bingo.

Canada was laying on the couch curled up under the blanket Russia gave him. His glasses were on the floor, as well as his socks, and one of his feet stuck out of the blanket. Russia tried not to laugh, this would be so amusing, and stood next to the couch, looking down at the Canadian. "Matvey." He said in a low voice. The Canadian moved a bit and moaned.

"Shutup." He mumbled. Russia smiled.

"Oh Matvey. Is something wrong?"

"Isaidshutupyourtooloud." He mumbled again. Russia tried not to laugh at the boy, he was in, what America called, hang over hell. Russia peeked over and grabbed the top of the blanket. He slowly lifted it up off the Canadian as he covered his eyes. "Shutthelightup."

"Matvey. The lights are not talking."

"Yestheyare." The Canadian curled up more and used his arms as a shield for his face against the sun shinning in. "Goaway."

"Matvey it's just a hang over. Take a aspirin and get over it." Russia said. Canada moaned more. "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"Notreally." He mumbled. He tried to take down his arms and peek out but the sun ended up being to bright and he quickly covered his eyes again. Russia smirked and decided to help the boy a bit. He left for the bathroom. He looked through the boy's medicine cabinet, he didn't have much, and found a thing of aspirin. He then returned to the boy and dropped it on him.

"Take two." He commanded. Canada moaned and didn't really move. "Matvey." Russia started raising his voice to irritate the poor Canadian. Canada moaned more and grabbed the aspirin bottle.

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