There once was a boy that liked to play fun games but one day he tried to go and play with his five mates but instead one decided not to show so the boy asked "where has he gone" the boys friends just looked around and shrugged. Football was usually the game they played but there was uneven numbers so they had to stick with just the most boring bulldogs charge.
The next day the boy met up with his now four mates but now one more mate decided to twag the game but the boy had his friends was somewhat happy he was gone cause now they had and even number to play there favorite game.
The next day the boy now went to play with now three mates but once again one more friend had fled but as well it wasnt even numbers they couldnt even play the game they found really really boring because there was only three people so they ended up talking about things so boring which ended up being awkward.
The next day the boy slouched to only talk to his now two mates but as you can guess only one showed up so again they ended up talking which was so very awkward.
The next day the boy went out to play thinking all his mates would show this time but he waited an hour no one made a show turned out his mates had flee from him because of some stupid rumor but turned out all he need was his brothers and sister so he could play his favourite game all day.